B4A Library TabHostExtras

Here is a new library i have created that allows you to customise a TabHost.

Version: 2.2
  • TabHostExtras
    • GetTagWidget (TabHost1 As TabHost) As TabWidget
      Returns TabHost1's TabWidget.
      Allowing you to customize various settings.
    • getTabContentViewPadding (tabHost1 As TabHost) As RectWrapper
      Get the layout padding of tabHost1 TabContentView
      Returns a Rect object containing pixel values
    • getTabEnabled (tabHost1 As TabHost, index As Int) As Boolean
      Get the Enabled state of TabIndicator #index in tabHost1
    • getTabHeight (tabHost1 As TabHost) As Int
      Get the height (in pixels) of the TabIndicators in tabHost1
    • getTabHostPadding (tabHost1 As TabHost) As RectWrapper
      Get the layout padding of tabHost1 container View
      Returns a Rect object containing pixel values
    • getTabIcon (tabHost1 As TabHost, TabIndex As Int) As ImageViewWrapper
      Get the (icon) ImageView of TabIndicator #TabIndex in tabHost1
    • getTabTextSize (tabHost1 As TabHost) As Float
      Get the text size (in pixels) of all TabIndicators
    • getTabVisibility (tabHost1 As TabHost, index As Int) As Boolean
      Get the visibility of TabIndicators #index in tabHost1
    • setTabContentViewPadding (tabHost1 As TabHost, left As Int, top As Int, right As Int, bottom As Int)
      Set the layout padding (in dip) of tabHost1 TabContentView
    • setTabEnabled (tabHost1 As TabHost, enabled As Boolean)
      Enable or disable all TabIndicators in tabHost1
    • setTabEnabled2 (tabHost1 As TabHost, enabled As Boolean, index As Int)
      Enable or disable TabIndicator #index in tabHost1
    • setTabGradientDrawable (tabHost1 As TabHost, orientation As String, color1 As Int, color2 As Int, cornerRadius As Float)
      Set a GradientDrawable as the background on all TabIndicators in tabHost1
      All fours corner radii of the GradientDrawable are set to the value of cornerRadius (in pixels)
    • setTabGradientDrawable2 (tabHost1 As TabHost, orientation As String, color1 As Int, color2 As Int, cornerRadius() As Float)
      Set a GradientDrawable as the background on all TabIndicators in tabHost1
      Corner radii of the GradientDrawable are set individually (in pixels) based upon the number of elements in the array cornerRadius:
      1 element defines all corner radii
      2 elements define corner radii in order top left and right, bottom left and right
      4 elements define corner radii in order top-left, top-right, bottom-right, bottom-left
    • setTabHeight (tabHost1 As TabHost, tabHeight As Int)
      Set the height (in pixels) of all TabIndicators in tabHost1
    • setTabHostPadding (tabHost1 As TabHost, left As Int, top As Int, right As Int, bottom As Int)
      Set the layout padding (in dip) of tabHost1 container View
    • setTabTextColor (tabHost1 As TabHost, Color As Int)
      Set the color to be used for all tab indicators text.
      This color will be used for all tab indicators regardless of their selected state.
    • setTabTextColorStateList (tabHost1 As TabHost, ColorStateListName As String)
      Set a ColorStateList to be used for the text color of all tab indicators.
      The ColorStateList must be defined in XML in your application Objects/res/drawable folder.
      Color for selected and not selected tab state can be defined.
    • setTabTextSize (tabHost1 As TabHost, TextSize As Float)
      Set the text size of all TabIndicators
      TextSize is assumed to be in units of dip.
    • setTabTitle (tabHost1 As TabHost, Title As String, TabIndex As Int)
      Set the Title text of TabIndicator #TabIndex in tabHost1
    • setTabVisibility (tabHost1 As TabHost, visible As Boolean)
      Set the visibility of all TabIndicators in tabHost1
    • setTabVisibility2 (tabHost1 As TabHost, visible As Boolean, index As Int)
      Set the visibility of TabIndicator #index in tabHost1
  • TabWidget
    • BringToFront
    • GetChildTabViewAt (TabIndex As Int) As View
      Returns the tab indicator view at the given index.
      The returned View will be a ViewGroup with 2 child Views:
      An ImageView at index 0 and a TextView at Index 1.
    • GetTabIcon (TabIndex As Int) As ImageViewWrapper
      Get the (icon) ImageView of the tab indicator view at the given index.
    • GetTabLabel (TabIndex As Int) As LabelWrapper
      Get the (TextView) Label of the tab indicator view at the given index.
    • Initialize (arg1 As String)
    • Invalidate
    • Invalidate2 (arg0 As Rect)
    • Invalidate3 (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)
    • IsInitialized As Boolean
    • RemoveView
    • RequestFocus As Boolean
    • SendToBack
    • SetBackgroundImage (arg0 As Bitmap)
    • SetLayout (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)
    • Background As Drawable
    • Color As Int [write only]
    • DividerDrawable As Drawable [write only]
      Sets the drawable to use as a divider between the tab indicators.
    • Enabled As Boolean
      Get or Set the enabled state of the TabWidget.
    • Height As Int
    • Left As Int
    • LeftStripDrawable As Drawable [write only]
      Sets the drawable to use as the left part of the strip below the tab indicators.
    • RightStripDrawable As Drawable [write only]
      Sets the drawable to use as the right part of the strip below the tab indicators.
    • StripEnabled As Boolean
      Get or Set whether the bottom strips on the tab indicators are drawn or not.
    • TabCount As Int [read only]
      Get the number of tab indicator views.
    • Tag As Object
    • Top As Int
    • Visible As Boolean
    • Width As Int

Attached are the library files and a little demo.
If you run the demo try your device's 'Menu' key and toggle the tabs from visible to hidden.

I originally created this functionality in a code module and once it was working created the library.
So i have attached the code module as a separate attachment in case anyone wants to use it - the Reflection library is required if you use the code module but is not required if you use the library of course.

The code module has a Sub (not included in the library):

GetTabIndicators(TabHost1 As TabHost) As View()

This will return an array of Views, these Views are the TabHost's TabIndicators.
Anyone hoping to further customise the look of a TabHost may find this Sub useful - see the code module demo for an example of changing the TabIndicators' Color property.



  • TabHostExtrasCodeModule.zip
    8.9 KB · Views: 2,186
  • TabHostExtras_v2_20.zip
    22 KB · Views: 3,033
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Licensed User
Longtime User
would be possible to do the tabs titles container horizontal scrollable?, if there are a lot of tabs, the titles can not be shown correctly


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I spent some time tonight with this library and while I went another way with my project I would just like to say great job on this. It is really a great lib.


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Is there a way to change the bottom line colors of the TabWidget?

tried this:

Dim tb as TabHost
Dim tbe as TabHostExtras
Dim cd As ColorDrawable
cd.Initialize(Main.MAIN_COLOR, 0)
tbe.GetTagWidget(tb).StripEnabled = True
tbe.GetTagWidget(tb).LeftStripDrawable = cd
tbe.GetTagWidget(tb).RightStripDrawable = cd

but that does not seem to work.

Gary Milne

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This is a very handy library as the basic methods fall short of the standards of most decent programmers. Things must have changed from the initial posts which recommended using an XML file and the current state for managing the colors of the buttons. I found this a little kludgy and the fact there were only two states (enabled or disabled) was short of what I wanted.

Using TabHostExtras I was able to have three different states Enabled, Disabled and Selected. Here is a simple example to do that.

Sub Set_Tab_State(TabName As TabHost, TabEnabled As Boolean, TabNumber As Int )
    Dim TabLabel As Label
    Dim TabMgr As TabHostExtras
    TabLabel = TabMgr.GetTagWidget(TabHost1).GetTabLabel(TabNumber)
        If TabEnabled = True Then
            If TabName.CurrentTab = TabNumber Then
                TabLabel.TextColor = Colors.Yellow
                TabLabel.TextSize = 10 * Main.Scale
                TabLabel.Typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD
                TabLabel.TextColor = Colors.White
                TabLabel.TextSize = 8 * Main.Scale
                TabLabel.Typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT
            End If
            TabLabel.TextColor = Colors.LightGray
            TabLabel.TextSize = 8 * Main.Scale
            TabLabel.Typeface = Typeface.SERIF
        End If   
    TabMgr.setTabEnabled2(TabName, TabEnabled, TabNumber)
End Sub

I also change the size of the Font for the currently selected item which looks good.

Hopefully this will be of help to someone.

P.S. The Main.Scale is a multiplier for the Font Size that is the same formula used for the AutoScaling that is shown below.
    'Calculate the scale used to scale fonts across devices
    Delta = ((100%x + 100%y) / (320dip + 430dip) - 1)
    Rate = 0.5 'value between 0 to 1.
    Scale = 1 + Rate * Delta


Licensed User
Longtime User
I am trying to create 3 tabs each of which is 1/3rd the width of the tabhost view. I get the width of the tabhost view and divide it by 3 and use that to set the width of the tabwidget. The result is a tab which is probably 1/10 the size of view. In this case the tabhost is 1600 pixels wide, so the calculated width is 533. It doesn't matter whether I do this before or after I add the tabs. What am I doing wrong?

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    Dim tabManager As TabHostExtras
    If FirstTime Then
        Dim width As Int
        width = tbhPages.Width/3
        Log ("width = " & width)
        Dim tw As TabWidget
        tw = tabManager.GetTagWidget(tbhPages)
        tw.width = width      
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Active Member
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I hope I'm reading this correctly. There is no need to do this. The tabhost will automatically resize your tabs to 1/3 the width


Licensed User
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This is most likely due to some scaling issue that I'm having. On some devices I was only seeing 2 of the 3 tabs. I will say that I'm still confused as to what the units are when setting the width.


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Hi Martin,
Hopefully this has an easy fix. I use TabHostExtras to completely hide the tab controls, as I control my tabs in code and with an external "tab strip" I have developed.
The following code has worked well with Android versions prior to KitKat:
    moTabHostExtras.setTabHostPadding(tabTabs, -5dip, -4dip, -5dip, -4dip)
    moTabHostExtras.setTabHeight(tabTabs, 0)
    moTabHostExtras.setTabVisibility(tabTabs, False)

The trouble is that this doesn't work in KitKat, as I see a blank panel where the tabs would be.
Any ideas?


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I see no reason why this shouldn't work in Kitkat.
Can you try getting the TabHost's TabWidget and setting the TabWidget's Visivle proeprty to False?

Dim TabWidget1 As TabWidget


Active Member
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Hi Martin,
That worked, but there's one wrinkle... You've named the method GetTagWidget(MyTabHost)! Oops.
Thanks anyway


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I suggest you fix it, but have an undocumented shell method with the old name which maps to it. Nasty, but nicer than the alternatives!


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This code does not work for me. I have an Android kitkat:

    TabHost.setTabVisibility(TabHost1, False)

1) In the image 1 i load a view programatically using 100%y and 100%x. that work OK!

2) The image 2 show a layout with a panel inside tinted red and loaded in a TabHost to see the borders....with:
TabHost1.AddTabWithIcon2("Locations", LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "state1.png"), LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "state2.png"), vp.AsView)

but does not fit the screen.

3) The image 3 show the layout in design time using ANCHOR = BOTH but does not work

How can i fixit?

Looks like this guy has same problem:


  • 01.png
    114.5 KB · Views: 381
  • 02.png
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  • 03.PNG
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i want to change the color of this (in yellow) .... how can i do this pls ?



New Member
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Where can i download the latest version of TabHostExtras? i tried downloading the link in the first post and it doesn't look like all the features are there that are mentioned.
There is only about 3 functions in the module. Thank You


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je voulais utiliser TabHostExtras
j'ai fait quelques essais qui me semblait être très bon
une fausse manip m'a fait perdre mon projet
j'ai voulu le reconstitué en reprenant l'exemple et je me retrouve avec ceci où je n'ai pas l'icon sur TAB#0
pouvez vous m'aider
il doit y avoir un problème de librairie


  • 2023_01_30_23.54.04.jpg
    129.1 KB · Views: 121

Alexander Stolte

Licensed User
Longtime User
je voulais utiliser TabHostExtras
j'ai fait quelques essais qui me semblait être très bon
une fausse manip m'a fait perdre mon projet
j'ai voulu le reconstitué en reprenant l'exemple et je me retrouve avec ceci où je n'ai pas l'icon sur TAB#0
pouvez vous m'aider
il doit y avoir un problème de librairie
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