Android Question Table+Add rows


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Dear colleagues,
It's my first experience with B4A. Please, could you help me how I can make a table with several rows and columns (similar at datagridcontrol in VisualBasic). Thanks


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Thanks Erel, but my problem is different, I want to add new rows at real time. Similar at datagrid in Visual Basic. I need a listview with different colummns and have the possibility to edit the row and to add data in the columns (for the selected row).
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Did you have y look at the Classes Erel suggested you ?
I'm almost sure you didn't otherwise you wouldn't ask again.
Your requests are possible in these classes !

I want to add new rows at real time.
What is real time for you ? What frequecy of updates ?
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Peter Simpson

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Hello Pilar, the flexible table class will do exactly what you are asking...
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You may also have a look at the SQLiteLight examples in my signature.
These examples use SQLite for the data and use a WebView to display the Table.
And the SQLExample in the User's Guide.
This example uses also SQLite for the data and uses a ScrollView to display the Table.
In the examples above the editing of the data of a row is done in a separate Activity.

You may also have a look at this library Grid/Table and ListView Library .
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Thanks klaus.. but I want to fill the list and the following to act with SQlite.. If my first experience with this and I am very sad!!! now, I have another problem.. (several problems).. I have two layouts, and I want to charge the second layout with "startactivity" and I find the following text
"java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: b4a.example.screen_pasivomineroentorno"
I don´t understand, I have the scre
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Dear Klaus.. I've got to solve the problem with the layout. Now, I am going to work with your examples. Sorry, my brother is very ill (lung cancer) and I have the mind in other site. Thanks for all
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