I know I'm doing something wrong and it's probably the order of my code.
I have a TabHost with 4 layouts and on the forth tab "Input" I'm trying to put a table within a Panel "PanelTab" but it doesn't show at runtime.
Here is my code:
Thanks for the help :sign0104:
I have a TabHost with 4 layouts and on the forth tab "Input" I'm trying to put a table within a Panel "PanelTab" but it doesn't show at runtime.
Here is my code:
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Dim bmp1, bmp2, bmp3, bmp4, bmp5, bmp6 As Bitmap
bmp1 = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "info_black.png")
bmp2 = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "length_measure.png")
bmp3 = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "3_disc.png")
bmp4 = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "input_keyboard.png")
'bmp5 = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "chart.png")
TabHost1.AddTabWithIcon ("Details", bmp1, bmp1, "details") 'load the layout file of each page
TabHost1.AddTabWithIcon ("Extension", bmp2,bmp2,"exttarget")
TabHost1.AddTabWithIcon ("Save", bmp3,bmp3, "Save")
TabHost1.AddTabWithIcon ("Input", bmp4,bmp4, "Input")
Table1.Initialize (Me,"Table1",3)
Table1.AddToActivity(PanelTab, 160dip, 30dip, 150dip, 380dip)
Table1.SetHeader(Array As String("Blows", "Totblows", "Pen"))
Table1.SetColumnsWidths (Array As Int (50dip,50dip,50dip))
Thanks for the help :sign0104: