Could you show the differences between portrait and landscape !
How do you define the view dimensions ?
Are they different for portrait and landscape ?
I use functions like this:
Sub textsyz (i As Int)
Dim ry,rt As Float
rt=ry / GetDeviceLayoutValues.Scale
Return i * rt
End Sub
Sub dobutton (b As Button, s As String)
End Sub
And then I set main.bodysize1 to 24 or whatever.
I think I could
set ry differently,
if portrait: ry=GetDeviceLayoutValues.width/800
if landscape: ry=GetDeviceLayoutValues.height/800
Or, I could try ry=(GetDeviceLayoutValues.width + GetDeviceLayoutValues.height)/800
What I am wondering: For labels etc. I just use 40dip or 30%x, 10%y, or whatever, and it works perfectly on all devices, tablets or cells.
Therefore I think I think too complicated.
You wrote in this forum, tha one should not use dip for text sizes. Here, I read about SP
The text size is important for me, because I serve students (read everything) and older professors (read only on tablets, need bigger fonts).
This must be a problem many of us have. I think I just do not find the solution ....