Android Code Snippet To Make a simple CharSequence:

We all need colored text, but using Append & Pop is really tiring when we have many spans.
This command uses (Message As String) so you can anytime have a colored message without turning the message into CSBuilder.

Most of time we don't need more than a colored message!

A simple CharSequence:
'To Make a simple CharSequence:
'Color1 can be TheColorName or TheColorNumber ex: (red or 4)
'  Example : <code>
'Dim msg As string
'msg="black/Hello Mr. /red/Antoine /green/*EGO*/gray/ How are you?"
''msg="0/Hello Mr. /4/Antoine /2/*EGO*/8/ How are you?"
'  Equals to :
'Dim msg As CSBuilder
'msg.Initialize.Append("Hello Mr. ").Color(Colors.Red).Append("Antoine ").Pop. _
'Color(Colors.Green).Bold.Append("EGO").Pop.Pop.color(Colors.gray).Append _
'(" How are you?").PopAll
'If Color is omitted so it is Black
'If text is written like *txt* so it is Bold
'If text starts with {} so a new line is added, Example:<code>
'Message="red/Dear sir/blue/{}Hope we meet tomorrow./green/{}*Thanks*"
'Message="4/Dear sir/1/{}Hope we meet tomorrow./2/{}*Thanks*"
'Message="/Dear sir//{}Hope we meet tomorrow.//{}*Thanks*"
Sub CS (Message As String) As CSBuilder
    Dim msg As CSBuilder
    If Not (Message.Contains("/")) Then
        Return  msg
    End If
    Log("Now to start my CS")
    Dim L,i As Int
    Dim P() As String' Parts of string
    L=P.Length 'How many parts
    If L Mod 2 <>0 Then L=L-1 ' If L is odd we delete the last part
    Dim C(L) As Int 'Color of part P(i)
    For i=0 To L-1
        Log("P ("&i&")= " & P(i))

        If i Mod 2=0 Then '--------------------
            'Even part
            Select P(i).ToLowerCase 'same color numbers as DOS
                'Case "black","0","":C(i)=Colors.DarkGray
                Case "blue","1":C(i)
                Case "green","2":C(i)
                Case "cyan","3":C(i)=Colors.Cyan
                Case "red","4":C(i)
                Case "magenta","5":C(i)=Colors.Magenta
                Case "yellow","6":C(i)=Colors.yellow
                Case "white","7":C(i)=Colors.white
                Case "gray","8":C(i)=Colors.gray
                Case Else
            End Select
        Else '--------------------
            'Odd part
            If p(i).StartsWith("{}") Then 'add a new line
            End If
            If p(i).StartsWith("*") And P(i).EndsWith("*") Then ' Bold text must be like: *txt*
            End If
        End If '--------------------
    Return msg
End Sub
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