Android Question try to implement android system keyboard extends:InputMethodService


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Hi, i want to create a Android system keyboard, there is no library yet, i don't know java, i have read many android studio turorial to recreate keyboard and i trying in b4a.
now the keyboard proyect listed in the key manager and has configuration activity, but the keyboard is not show up, only blank view (i think).

now i have this

When i select keyboard the log fire up *** Service (keyboardservice) Create ***
when i select other the log fire up ** Service (keyboardservice) Destroy **

in key manager...

when i select Teclado B4a it open a example activity named configuracion
here is ok

but when i clic on Textbox or warever to focus the cursor it try to show up a view(system keyboard) but in blank

I would like to create the design in the design creator, but I have not been able to find a way to load a view.

i try IF #JAVA but the implement named class conflicts with the name of service (keyboardservice)
if i change the name i don't know how to call it.

The first step is already done (list the proyect in key manager)
the second step (display the view keyboard) has not been possible.

i searched in the forum but there no solution until someone develop a library using android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService

i upload the proyect.

Thank You.


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