I tried to apply the solutions posted here
and here
To no avail, I still get suggestions for an EditText on my Huawei P-Smart phone and Samsung SM-T585 tablet.
Any ideas ?
(solved, it's there)Turn off IME suggestions
Turn off IME suggestions: From: https://developer.android.com/training/keyboard-input/style.html#Type Specify the Keyboard Type. Makes available. For example, if you'd like an input method for entering a phone number, use the "phone" value: Resulting in a Numeric keyboard with no suggestions...

and here
How To Turn Off Suggestions On a 4.1.1 OS Tablet
I tried the following two methods on a Samsung Galaxy Tab2 7 inch to turn off suggestions, but neither works: inputText.InputType=Bit.OR(inputText.InputType, 524288) or: inputText.InputType= 524288 Does anybody have a workaround. Thank you very much

To no avail, I still get suggestions for an EditText on my Huawei P-Smart phone and Samsung SM-T585 tablet.
Any ideas ?