Probably stupidity and/or ignorance but ...
#CustomBuildAction: 1, c:\temp\v4.exe,
Doesn't work with a read-only copy of v4.exe in the Objects folder where the Attributes tutorial
says 'The running folder is set to the program objects folder.'
#CustomBuildAction: 1, v4.exe,
Also should it accept a relative path? This would locate v4.exe in the project folder if supported.
#CustomBuildAction: 1, ..\v4.exe,
Doesn't work, does nothing with no error. Does CustomBuildAction not accept a batch file?
#CustomBuildAction: 1, c:\temp\AfterCompile.bat,
#CustomBuildAction: 1, c:\temp\v4.exe,
Doesn't work with a read-only copy of v4.exe in the Objects folder where the Attributes tutorial
Modules Attributes
Basic4android v2.50 includes a new method for handling project and modules settings. These settings are now set in the code itself. The menu items were removed. The attributes syntax is simple. The hash sign (#) followed by the attribute name, a colon and the value. Some attributes can...

#CustomBuildAction: 1, v4.exe,
Also should it accept a relative path? This would locate v4.exe in the project folder if supported.
#CustomBuildAction: 1, ..\v4.exe,
Doesn't work, does nothing with no error. Does CustomBuildAction not accept a batch file?
#CustomBuildAction: 1, c:\temp\AfterCompile.bat,