UDP issue on motorola razr others are fine


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the razr is on 2.3.6
I have an app that grabs udp data
it took quite a while to figure out the data being sent structure but I have it working now on a motorola droid 2.2.3, archos 101, archos 8 g9,archos 8 g9 turbo the archos tablets are 3.xx the archos 101 is android 2.3.81 aka 2.2.1
it is a network issue . peer to peer ad-hoc is a setting on the Razr that is not on the others. Ring a bell anyone ?


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This is not a Basic4Android issue, I think it is something about the Razr and wifi , This version of android has different settings in wifi for "peer to peer ad-hoc and channel" selections.

it doesn't get any error the app just does not get the udp data. I can send udp to the razr using other methods on the same port
There isn't anything exciting in the code just
Sub UDP_PacketArrived (Packet As UDPPacket)

It is probably the IP structure but UDP is pretty forgiving. The connection is complicated and goes through a wifi router mounted in a car , but

4 other android devices ( 3 different versions) work including a win xp laptop that is using the manufacturers udp logger

I was just hoping someone else has seen this.
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ok here is an update on this issue.
I got a hold of leak of ICS for the motorola razr and now my app works on the Razr android 4.0.3
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