YourLabelName.Gravity = Gravity.Center
YourEditTextName.Gravity = Gravity.Center
Sub FillTheList(Title As String, WithCheckBox As Boolean)
Activity.Title = Title
'Dim b1, b2 As Bitmap
Dim lbl As Label
'b1.Initialize(File.DirAssets, "image1.png")
'b2.Initialize(File.DirAssets, "image2.png")
For i= 0 To z
'---Add Header---
lst.AddHeader("Code " & i)
lst.AddItemNoChkbx(i,"Teller #" & i, "", Null)
z = z + 1
'lst.SortItems(lst.CreateIntegerList(2, z, lst.NumberOfItems - 1), z, lst.NumberOfItems - 1, False)
End Sub
Hi, thank you for your reply...I will try it out.I have not used the sort function.
I'm looking at the code of the class.
View attachment 27674
View attachment 27675
View attachment 27676
CreateIntegerList need that ViewIndexInPanel but the AddItemNoChkbox routine does not creates a useful view for this purpose, I think.
Create your own list of indexes "manually" (adding a statement inside the loop).
In addition, in your example, the second parameter should be 0, not Z.
lst.SortItems(lst.CreateIntegerList(2, z, lst.NumberOfItems - 1), z, lst.NumberOfItems - 1, False)
lst.SortItems(lst.CreateIntegerList(2, z, lst.NumberOfItems - 1), 0, lst.NumberOfItems - 1, False)
I repeat, I have never used the sorting