B4J is awesome for what it does. However, given my work with enterprises and dealing with CIOs, they are not so keen on using Java on the desktop anymore. Can't blame them as Oracle has done $#!T of a job with Java. Additionally, while the browser plugin runs in a different VM than desktop Java, the perception is that Java on the desktop is unsafe and is therefore dead.
Please don't get me wrong. There is still a lot of Java desktop products out there and will remain to be. But for new projects, I'm not convinced Java will be in much favor among the decision making crowd.
So what I propose is that B4J to be designed so that it makes it simpler to make jQuery fronted and Java backed server applications. This is where I truly believe this product can shine. The ease with which you could build enterprise, zero client deployment apps will make it a hit with architects and CIOs alike who're all looking for the next thing to take their productivity to the next level. Enterprises are still very big on web development and if we can show them the productivity gains, its gold.
I would love to hear the other side of the argument and see what you guys are working on with desktop Java.
Please don't get me wrong. There is still a lot of Java desktop products out there and will remain to be. But for new projects, I'm not convinced Java will be in much favor among the decision making crowd.
So what I propose is that B4J to be designed so that it makes it simpler to make jQuery fronted and Java backed server applications. This is where I truly believe this product can shine. The ease with which you could build enterprise, zero client deployment apps will make it a hit with architects and CIOs alike who're all looking for the next thing to take their productivity to the next level. Enterprises are still very big on web development and if we can show them the productivity gains, its gold.
I would love to hear the other side of the argument and see what you guys are working on with desktop Java.