Android Code Snippet Weighted Random

Hi again!

Say you are a game developer and you want to get a random weather condition where the probability of "sunny" is 50%, the probability of "rain" is 30% and the probability of "fog" is 20%.

WeightedRandom_GetValue("sunny:0.5, rain:0.3, fog:0.2")

'Obtains an array of random values, based off the given inputs
Sub WeightedRandom_GetArray(weightMap As String, outputSize As Int) As String()
    weightMap = weightMap.Replace(" ", "")
    Dim output(outputSize) As String
    Dim items() = Regex.Split(",", weightMap) As String
    Dim lenItems = items.Length As Int
    Dim keys(lenItems) As String
    Dim vals(lenItems) As Int
    Dim rndUpperBound = 1 As Int
    Do While lenItems / rndUpperBound > 1
        rndUpperBound = rndUpperBound * 10
    Dim i = 0 As Int
    Do While i < lenItems
        Dim kv() = Regex.Split(":", items(i)) As String
        keys(i) = kv(0)
        vals(i) = kv(1) * rndUpperBound
        i = i + 1
    Dim j = 0 As Int
    Do While j < outputSize
        i = 0
        Dim rndValue = Rnd(0, rndUpperBound) As Int
        Do While i < lenItems
            If rndValue < vals(i) Then
                output(j) = keys(i)
            End If
            rndValue = rndValue - vals(i)
            i = i + 1
        j = j + 1
    Return output
End Sub

'Obtains a random value, based off the given inputs
Sub WeightedRandom_GetValue(weightMap As String) As String
    weightMap = weightMap.Replace(" ", "")
    Dim items() = Regex.Split(",", weightMap) As String
    Dim lenItems = items.Length As Int
    Dim rndUpperBound = 1 As Int
    Do While lenItems / rndUpperBound > 1
        rndUpperBound = rndUpperBound * 10
    Dim rndValue = Rnd(0, rndUpperBound) As Int
    For Each item As String In items
        Dim kv() = Regex.Split(":", item) As String
        kv(1) = kv(1) * rndUpperBound
        If rndValue < kv(1) Then Return kv(0)
        rndValue = rndValue - kv(1)
    Return Null
End Sub

Test Results (see attached):

- There is no error checking (reason: performance), it's up to you to implement it.
- You can easily change the input from a string to a map


  • Test
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