I am using a Wemos D1 Mini and BME280 Sensor. I read the data from the sensor and upload to thingspeak. I have logs set in the various subs for debugging. On the first run, I see all the logs till the upload is reached, then the logs stop. The program continues to run perfectly. I know this as the data is visible in thingspeak. I have included the zip file. The Thingspeak channel is a test channel which I can delete later so I included the API Key.
Further library requirements: BME280 with ESP8266
My queston: Why do the logs freeze or stop? Have I forgotten something?
Further library requirements: BME280 with ESP8266
My queston: Why do the logs freeze or stop? Have I forgotten something?
DEBUG StatusLogger All asynchronous threads have terminated
DEBUG StatusLogger RollingFileManager shutdown completed with status true
DEBUG StatusLogger Shut down RollingFileManager E:\Arduino-1.8.13\portable/logs/application.log, all resources released: true
DEBUG StatusLogger Appender RollingFile stopped with status true
DEBUG StatusLogger Shutting down OutputStreamManager SYSTEM_ERR.false.false
DEBUG StatusLogger Shut down OutputStreamManager SYSTEM_ERR.false.false, all resources released: true
DEBUG StatusLogger Appender Console stopped with status true
TRACE StatusLogger XmlConfiguration stopped 2 remaining Appenders.
TRACE StatusLogger XmlConfiguration cleaning Appenders from 2 LoggerConfigs.
DEBUG StatusLogger Stopped XmlConfiguration[location=jar:file:/E:/Arduino-1.8.13/lib/pde.jar!/log4j2.xml] OK
DEBUG StatusLogger Stopped LoggerContext[name=1e6f5c3, org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LoggerContext@535154] with status true
********************* PROGRAM STARTING ****************
sdl��|�l�|�l�c|����{�c�c��gg�lnn���cp�l{d{dx�n��l�� cn�|�$��c��gg�d��d`�ggd`o{���o bl`s��ocl`�c ��d{�`��'�AppStart
disconnecting Wifi
Connected successfully to: READ-Wlan
Trying to read sensor ...
Temperature: 22.9000
Pressure: 940
Humidity: 23
HeatIndex: 0
DewPoint: 0
Temperature: 22.9000
Trying to upload ...
trying to connect to: api.thingspeak.com port: 443 ssl: 1
connected: api.thingspeak.com
DEBUG StatusLogger RollingFileManager shutdown completed with status true
DEBUG StatusLogger Shut down RollingFileManager E:\Arduino-1.8.13\portable/logs/application.log, all resources released: true
DEBUG StatusLogger Appender RollingFile stopped with status true
DEBUG StatusLogger Shutting down OutputStreamManager SYSTEM_ERR.false.false
DEBUG StatusLogger Shut down OutputStreamManager SYSTEM_ERR.false.false, all resources released: true
DEBUG StatusLogger Appender Console stopped with status true
TRACE StatusLogger XmlConfiguration stopped 2 remaining Appenders.
TRACE StatusLogger XmlConfiguration cleaning Appenders from 2 LoggerConfigs.
DEBUG StatusLogger Stopped XmlConfiguration[location=jar:file:/E:/Arduino-1.8.13/lib/pde.jar!/log4j2.xml] OK
DEBUG StatusLogger Stopped LoggerContext[name=1e6f5c3, org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LoggerContext@535154] with status true
********************* PROGRAM STARTING ****************
sdl��|�l�|�l�c|����{�c�c��gg�lnn���cp�l{d{dx�n��l�� cn�|�$��c��gg�d��d`�ggd`o{���o bl`s��ocl`�c ��d{�`��'�AppStart
disconnecting Wifi
Connected successfully to: READ-Wlan
Trying to read sensor ...
Temperature: 22.9000
Pressure: 940
Humidity: 23
HeatIndex: 0
DewPoint: 0
Temperature: 22.9000
Trying to upload ...
trying to connect to: api.thingspeak.com port: 443 ssl: 1
connected: api.thingspeak.com