B4J Question what DB better to use for HTTP data exchanging apps ?


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HI, All

If there are several Java apps on different IP-hosts inside a single VPN network need to work with a _single_ database - what are better to use for B4J ?
More fast over HTTP ?
More secure ?


Licensed User
Longtime User
I did not fully understand the question. DB is independent of the http request. Any server database that could be sharable among those services is okey. Say MySQL, SQL server, postgres, and so an so fort
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Licensed User
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I read now about Postgres in whole and on this forum... and want just old good MySQL :)
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Licensed User
Do you know if MySql can be used for free even on commercial projects that are sold?
I ask this because it seems that everyone considers it free, but every time I have tried to verify it from the manufacturer's documentation, or rather the current owner's, I have never been able to find a definitive answer to this question
And so the question is: is there an official document from the manufacturer/owner where the free use of the db server is also described for use in commercial projects?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
MySql can be used for free even on commercial projects
Hmmm, interesting question indeed...
Linux hosters allow installation of MySQL 8 for free...
So, maybe MariaDB as MySQL substitute to be used better ?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
There is already a good one here
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Remote = App -> https -> server -> php -> MySql

I prefer php as it is supported on any (even cheap hosted solutions) and has many functions (user authentication/encryption, etc.). See my examples. Quite easy to communicate from B4x to php. You can use almost any DB which the provider supports.
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