What is the best way to send Exception? Firebase?


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Hi everyone,
I've a question.

Given an App that handles a Try Catch, what is the best method to send the Exception in order to see the details?

Crashlytics is only good when the app actually crashes, but if the error is managed and I only want to see what the error was? How can I do?
Firebase Analytics?

(apart create my own APIs)

Thanks for your participations


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Longtime User
I use KSCrash, it's pretty great. After I started using it I found a handful of bugs and nowadays I have zero crashes (*) in my app.

(*) As far as I know, it's opt-in for the user.


Well-Known Member
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it this an alternative to Crashlytics right? Cool.

I was looking for something that is arbitrary, like the Events in Firebase Analytics but with custom events
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