Android Question What libs has issues with B4A 10.7?


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Longtime User
Until now I can't update to B4A 10.7, because this libs, that has issues (and I has several apps using it):
- Design Support (NavigationDrawer)
- MaterialDateTimePicker

I tried to updated, in a first moment, after replace the NavigationDraser with B4XDrawer.
Compiled without errors and I put the app in Play Store.
To my surprise, I get hundreds of users with errors because the second lib.
So, I backward to 10.6.

I want to update, after replace this 2 libs in my apps, but I had this doubt:

- There are others libs that has issues with B4A 10.7?

Thanks in advance.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
You only know if you use that library or it has already mentioned.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Bottom line is that you shouldn't use these two libraries.
Yes. So I wrote: "after replace this 2 libs in my apps".

I don't want (if possible) any other surprises with other libs.
So, for this, I ask to other users if they have problems with other libs, beside those I mentioned, and avoid to check every function of my apps, to don't get a unknown errors like happens with MaterialDateTimePicker.

But, for now, I will made changes only in this 2 libs.
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