Where do you live?


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I remember there was an online forum member map, is that still runing? I am also curious about the geographical distribution of B4X users.
My observation is seems we have less Japan and Korea users, maybe totally untrue ...
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Licensed User
I remember there was an online forum member map, is that still running?

Surprisingly, yes (or, as @rabbitBUSH would say: ja)


Some time ago there were some postings - couldn't locate them now - talking about a map on which the locations of B4X members could be shown.

I have made space available on my company site and volunteered this as a host for the locator map.

No-one will be more amazed than I if it works out well. If it doesn't it will quietly disappear into the sunset.


Active Member
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Excellent idea.
The country will be enough. Put dots on a map to get an overview.
Erel could display country statistics and display the public page


Well-Known Member
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Please write in your profile the city (or at least the country) where you live.

Now I don't write code anymore, I only read the posts (I also reply very little) and... I'm curious ?
Mine is in there, but...

When I started using B4A I was living in the USA, then I moved to New Zealand & now I live in Australia...

- Colin.


Well-Known Member
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Surprisingly, yes
JA it's still there, surprisingly. (Your Afrikaans is improving Mate.)
I think it's very out of date...
Only in that members, at the time it went up, did put in stuff, then everyone forgot it's there. There's no sticky link in the forum.
When I started using B4A I was living in the USA, then I moved to New Zealand & now I live in Australia...
If you PM location details I can edit the file. It wasn't the plan at the outset to go beyond a simple thing - so editing one's location with relocations isn't in it. Incidentally, you could just add in Computersmith64/5/6/7 - it will accept it (and, of course, confuse the heck out of us all).

Once things settle down from fetching my kids from their Madagascar sailing trip, (later today) - and in between loadshedding - I'll have look and check what's what. I just remembered there was some tweak i had to do.


Well-Known Member
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Erel could display country statistics and display the public page
I doubt that's easy - forum registration doesn't capture locations (if I recall correctly) hence the simple mapping I created. Display on a public page these days carries many privacy issues.....?


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Please write in your profile the city (or at least the country) where you live.
Mmm apparently most members don't like/want to do that - but - see #7 and #8. I think you did locate yourself there?


Well-Known Member
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Only in that members, at the time it went up, did put in stuff, then everyone forgot it's there. There's no sticky link in the forum.

If you PM location details I can edit the file. It wasn't the plan at the outset to go beyond a simple thing - so editing one's location with relocations isn't in it. Incidentally, you could just add in Computersmith64/5/6/7 - it will accept it (and, of course, confuse the heck out of us all).
Is there a way for members to add their locations themselves? I didn't see that on the map.

- Colin.


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Licensed User
Longtime User
I remember having seen the map, and I think I submitted my location, but now I can't see the map (I tested a few days ago and it happened the same)

I get a blank screen (tested with chrome and firefox). The chrome console says:

B4X-map.html:1 Mixed Content: The page at 'https://rabbitbush.co.za/B4X/viewmap/B4X-map.html' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script 'http://www.openlayers.org/api/OpenLayers.js'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
B4X-map.html:1 Mixed Content: The page at 'https://rabbitbush.co.za/B4X/viewmap/B4X-map.html' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script 'http://www.openstreetmap.org/openlayers/OpenStreetMap.js'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
B4X-map.html:43 Uncaught ReferenceError: OpenLayers is not defined
    at init (B4X-map.html:43:4)
    at onload (B4X-map.html:96:26)


Well-Known Member
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? thanks for the feedback and the console text - I recall I was getting a problem with Firefox.

I haven't had a chance to check on it.

I also was going to try and convert it to B4J - BUT haven't had the time ....??

Check and see what they have changed on me since I wrote it. ?


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
remember having seen the map,
Oddly - it loads on the phone - but then doesn't show the label when one taps a location marker. So it seems the Big Browsers have other constraints.