Who do you write b4x apps for?

Who do you write b4x apps for?

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My primary market are databases dedicated applications for companies. I do use B4X to reply to specific devices needs.
I made some tests to sell directly from the Stores but the results weren't as good as selling directly and replying to some expressed needs.


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Some of them are for myself/family/fun, and others as a part of larger projects for customers. I work as a firmware/hardware engineer, and sometimes a B4X app is a building part of the solution.
Also have (as so many people) a couple of semi-abandoned ideas which one day I want to finish and perhaps try to make some money in the market:cool:


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I checked 3 of the boxed, probably as most of the people it's...

For myself, having fun.
The Android - Apple store. Looking to make some money.
The Android - Apple store. Just for fun.

mainly for fun and hopefully making some money with it.


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Two checks by me: for myself to experiment with some features and on-demand for specific customers.
As of today I never made use of any official store (that's why I originally developed my AppUpdating lib, btw).



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3 checks for me:
1.- For myself, having fun (now have less time for that)
2.- For Store, trying to make some money (to spend on Amazon... so it can be called an investment)
3.- For clients (my own ¿company?) this keeps 90% of my time actually...


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I'm retired developer so why I use B4J is two folder:
- For my personal joy - I B4J to create Desktop Apps that help me.
- From time to time I help non-profitable organizations based on B4J (desktop) and B4A (Android)

B4J is in many ways a great RAD-application for the Desktop in a broad sense.