Android Question Why is my Notification not showing MY Info?


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I am creating a service using the 'shake' procedures from Erel, but when I try to display it int he Android message bar, I use SetInfo for a Notification. But for my notification, the info I have in SetInfo is not used and it does not launch my Main routine, instead it opens the Android service window to manage apps???

Here's my service:

Sub Process_Globals
    'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
    'These variables can be accessed from all modules.
    Dim INIisloaded As Boolean = False
    Dim sensor As PhoneSensors
    Dim ShakeWasActivated As Boolean = False
    Type Element (NextElement As Element, Val As String)
    Dim Map1 As Map
    'Dim Notification As Notification
    Dim EventNotif As Notification
    'ini settings here........................................
    Dim ServicesvrIP As String = ""
    Dim ServicesvrPORT As Int = 7234
    Dim ServiceAPPid As String = "EZshake" 'ID of this app
    Dim ModePullpin As String = "No"
End Sub

Sub Service_Create
    'load the EZshake settings..
    Map1.Initialize 'init the ini file map
    LoadIni (File.DirDefaultExternal,"EZshake.ini")
    EventNotif.Icon = "TelShake" 'icon or eiconalarm etc.. case sensitive save icons to source folder\Objects\res\drawable
    EventNotif.Light = False
    EventNotif.Sound = False
    EventNotif.Vibrate = False
    EventNotif.Insistent = True
    EventNotif.AutoCancel = False
    EventNotif.SetInfo("EZlinc Shake Alarm", "Shake this device to trigger an alarm..", Main)
    Service.StartForeground(1, EventNotif)

    Shake.CallBackActivity = "ShakeService" 'Set the activity that handles the Shake event
End Sub

Sub Service_Start (StartingIntent As Intent)
    ToastMessageShow("listening to sensors",True)
End Sub

Sub Service_Destroy
    SaveIni (File.DirDefaultExternal,"EZshake.ini")
    EventNotif.Cancel(1) 'remove the taskbar icon..
End Sub

Sub sensor_SensorChanged (Values() As Float)
End Sub

'This event is raised when a shake is detected
Sub ShakeEvent
    ShakeWasActivated = True
End Sub


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Longtime User
place an icon in ... App Project\Objects\res\drawable folder.
set it to Read Only ! ... reference only the icon name.
EventNotif.Icon = "my_icon"
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