Android Question Wireless internet broadband without dynamic IP

SAM ShamsulBahrim

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There are increasing trend by the ISP (Internet Service Providers/TELCOs) to provide their internet subscribers with private IP rather than Public Dynamic IP. Hence, you cannot do Port Forwarding an alike in order to provide access (via internet) to your site... such like having IP camera at home Or even hosting own web site. How to go around this problem? Can web services does the magic?


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you can use services like dyn-dns and when your ip changes you can change it there.
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You could request with some providers to put your modem in "bridge" mode which will allow you to control your private IP assignments from a router. I.e etc. port forwarding is controlled through the router to whatever port and private IP you want. dyndns comes in when the provider changes your public WAN IP.

note.some ISP give you a router/modem combo they usually can be port forwarded.

however this does not work if you cant access their configuration I.e global wifi cards through cell providers. I dont think there is a way around it because the address is manage completely by the cell provider

Yes we do these all the time.
port 25 email
port 3389 remote desktop

hope that helps.
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SAM ShamsulBahrim

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Hi Giga,

Thanks for the reply. I have 2 scenarios here:

Scenario 1 when I have the 3G wireless router and a dynamic public IP was assigned to my router. Once I attached the Foscam IP camera (with foscam DNS), I can ping the foscam DNS as well as I can access the IP camera thru the internet.... and hence any other services can be attached to the router that provides the dynamic public IP. No issue on this.

NOTE: With above setup, I used to do the port forwarding and so forth.

Scenario 2 when I have the same 3G wireless router... however now, the same ISP stops giving/assigning public IP to the router. Instead, there is ONLY a private IP (dynamic as well) ...and now... I can NO LONGER be able to ping NEITHER to view my IP camera via internet. AND worst of all, the ISP says..."they are not going to give any public IP from now onwards... neither their customers can request for it". Yes, just change the ISP.... that is one way of it, right?

Now you said, eventhough the wireless router JUST having the private IP, it can still be configured to map into local area network.... that is by "BRIDGE MODE"?

True that the router can be configured for the port forwarding.... but (as I said) without the public IP how bridge mode can be OF ANY HELP to overcome the issue, especially when the ISP can ONLY provides the private IP?

Do I get you correctly.... that, "we are able to control/config/manage the private IP given to us by the ISP"? Is that what you meant? And how?
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In your LAN or WLAN you can configure port forwarding and host a server, devices etc.
let me clarify are you trying to host a website or service on a device, pc or mac computer in your WLAN or LAN?

or host over 3G?

On 3G or global cards the provider controls assignments. There is very little you can do to my knowledge regarding any configuration. Although a work around would be try port 80. its required to be open for internet.

Good Luck.
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SAM ShamsulBahrim

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Hi Giga,

Thank you for your replies....I think I do get what you are saying earlier. By the way, I wanted to run my embedded devices and control them remotely via internet connectivity (with the help of DNS and public IP).

I have written the Android apps using B4A and managed to test it prior to the ISP shutdown their public IP on my 3G router. Now, I am thinking the way around ... I can choose a different ISP, but keep running from problems is not always "learning something new!".

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In your LAN or WLAN you can configure port forwarding and host a server, devices etc with help from
DNS(if not static) to Public IP then Public to Private (in the router) and Port forwarding(in the router) to the device(s).

A tool you can use online to "look in from the outside" via a port number is
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I am also have my embedded devices and i build a web server on my mobile.....and try to control them through the Internet....I succeeded to control them via the LAN and see their status also on the web server page displayed on my PC desktop web browser...Please see my posts on "" and see what i am asking for....and try to reply...
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