Java Question Woosim printer

rogel a. tolentino

Licensed User
I have a woosim printer and i download
Woosim Android SDK
form the the attached link SDK

which contained reference manual, woosimLib261.jar and a wspSample folder. In b4a a .jar library if I am not mistaken will not work without an xml partner. Can anybody help me how to use make a programming code that will resolve printing image, logo and different font for woosim printer? Or any approached to said purpose.

Thank you for the help


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It requires some Java knowledge.

In many cases you don't need to create a library and can directly access the jar with JavaObject.



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Longtime User
I want to quote an older post which I agree.
if the printer uses standard Epson ESC POS codes then you can just use the AsyncStreams library in conjunction with the Serial library to connect to and send data to the Bluetooth printer to print, no wrap or extra libraries needed.