B4J Library Wrapper for TilesFX

I wasn't sure where to go with this question, if wrong place, then please move.

I found a great JavaFX library. Unfortunately I am not able to write a wrapper for it. Maybe someone can also use this lib in his project and can create a B4J lib from it?


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I created the attached as a test a while ago, it recreates the demo code in the project. It is not documented as I would like but I don't have time to do it at the moment. I am posting it here in case it's of use. You should be able to extract the code for the tiles you want to use from the Main module. You can also compile it to a library.

It is not fully tested, if you have any questions, feel free to ask.

You can get the jar and it's dependencies from here: https://jar-download.com/?search_box=TilesFX - Click the Download tilesfx jar (1.6.4) button (next to the Add to Project button) extract and copy all the jar's to your additional libraries folder.


  • TilesFX.zip
    64.4 KB · Views: 434
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