B4R Question Wrapping Radiohead RH_Serial


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I have succesfully wrapped RH_ASK class in Radiohead library by cut and paste Erels RFM95 class

Now I need the RH_Serial class, but it needs a Hardware serial in the constructor.
I managed to compile it using a Esp8266 but get a hardware reset when I try to send data.

This is my addition to rRadiohead.h

    class B4RRHSERIAL {

            uint8_t backend[sizeof(RH_Serial)];
            RH_Serial* rhserial;
            PollerNode pnode;
            SubVoidByteArray DataAvailableSub;
            Byte buffer[RH_SERIAL_MAX_PAYLOAD_LEN];
            static void looper(void* b);
            bool Initialize(SubVoidByteArray DataAvailableSub, byte ThisAddress);
            bool Send(ArrayByte* Data);

and this is a new rRHSerial.cpp

#include "B4RDefines.h"

namespace B4R {
    bool B4RRHSERIAL::Initialize(SubVoidByteArray DataAvailableSub, byte ThisAddress) {
        this->DataAvailableSub = DataAvailableSub;
        FunctionUnion fu;
        fu.PollerFunction = looper;
        pnode.functionUnion = fu;
        pnode.tag = this;

        HardwareSerial MySerial(0);
        rhserial = new (backend) RH_Serial(MySerial);

        bool r = rhserial->init();
        if (r) {
        if (pnode.next == NULL)
        return r;

    void B4RRHSERIAL::looper(void* b) {
        B4RRHSERIAL* me = (B4RRHSERIAL*)b;
        if (me->rhserial->available()) {
            const UInt cp = B4R::StackMemory::cp;
            ArrayByte* arrPayload = CreateStackMemoryObject(ArrayByte);
            arrPayload->data = me->buffer;
            Byte len = RH_SERIAL_MAX_PAYLOAD_LEN;
            me->rhserial->recv(me->buffer, &len);
            arrPayload->length = len;
            B4R::StackMemory::cp = cp;

    bool B4RRHSERIAL::Send(Array* Data) {
        return rhserial->send((Byte*)Data->data, Data->length);

Please help me......
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