I want to save data to sd card file 'log.dat' as follows: CardID,UserName,Date_Time(hh:mm:ss,yy/mm/dd)
Date_Time components are public variables from timer sub, CardID and UserNameare sent from asyncstream. savelog sub called from ReadRFID stream.
I want to save data to sd card file 'log.dat' as follows: CardID,UserName,Date_Time(hh:mm:ss,yy/mm/dd)
Date_Time components are public variables from timer sub, CardID and UserNameare sent from asyncstream. savelog sub called from ReadRFID stream.
Sub DS1320timer_Tick()
'The current time must be defined in the sub. The global can not be used.
Dim currenttime As DSTime
currenttime = DS1302.CurrentTime
Years = currenttime.years
Months = currenttime.Months
DayOfMonth = currenttime.DayOfMonth
Hours = currenttime.Hours
Minutes = currenttime.Minutes
Seconds = currenttime.Seconds
DayOfWeek = currenttime.DayOfWeek
End Sub
private Sub ReadRFID(Buffer() As Byte)
Dim tmpBuffer () As Byte
Dim Str_HexNumber As String
Dim Card_Number As ULong
If BC.ArrayCompare(Buffer,BufferLast) = 0 Then 'compare last read card to recent one
End If
tmpBuffer= BC.SubString2(Buffer,3,11) 'get 8 bytes only, not whole 10 card bytes, filing system supports 8.3 format that is enogh to get more than 999 999 999 , get ride of checksum and start byte
Str_HexNumber = BC.StringFromBytes(tmpBuffer)
Card_Number = Bit.ParseInt(Str_HexNumber, 16) 'convert hex to decimal string
BC.ArrayCopy(Buffer,BufferLast) 'copy last read to recent one, for next comparison
NoReadingTimerTicks = 0
Savelog(Card_Number,"Mostez") 'name is hard coded for testing just for now
End Sub
private Sub Savelog(Card_Number As ULong,UserName As String)
Dim Buffer() As Byte
'how can I load card number, time elements, and string into array
If Sd.OpenReadWrite ("log.dat") = True Then
End If
End Sub