when a file DONT exists it will be created on the sd card.
When you write a line into the file with writeBytes , the line is two times (doubled)
in the file.
The sd.CurrentFile.Size shows in that moment : 11 bytes
correct should be 0 bytes.
This only happens when you run the sketch from b4r IDE.
When you delete the file on the sd card again , and start the Adri. Uno alone, like pushing the reset button, it works fine.
The sd.CurrentFile.Size shows in that moment : 0 bytes, thats correct.
What I do wrong ?
filename = "test7.dat"
If sd.OpenReadWrite(filename)=True Then
Log("CurrentSize: ",sd.CurrentFile.Size)
Dim te As String
Dim wB As UInt
Dim b() As Byte
te = JoinStrings(Array As String("A test line",CRLF))
sd.Position = sd.CurrentFile.Size
wB = sd.Stream.WriteBytes(b, 0 ,b.Length)
Log("Written:",wB," ",te)
Log("Cant open/create")
End If
when a file DONT exists it will be created on the sd card.
When you write a line into the file with writeBytes , the line is two times (doubled)
in the file.
The sd.CurrentFile.Size shows in that moment : 11 bytes
correct should be 0 bytes.
This only happens when you run the sketch from b4r IDE.
When you delete the file on the sd card again , and start the Adri. Uno alone, like pushing the reset button, it works fine.
The sd.CurrentFile.Size shows in that moment : 0 bytes, thats correct.
What I do wrong ?
filename = "test7.dat"
If sd.OpenReadWrite(filename)=True Then
Log("CurrentSize: ",sd.CurrentFile.Size)
Dim te As String
Dim wB As UInt
Dim b() As Byte
te = JoinStrings(Array As String("A test line",CRLF))
sd.Position = sd.CurrentFile.Size
wB = sd.Stream.WriteBytes(b, 0 ,b.Length)
Log("Written:",wB," ",te)
Log("Cant open/create")
End If