I use seriallibjab to control one RS-232 in a 7" SBC(Single board computer). The PC get a wrong code when SBC send out a string to pc. But the string code is ok when SBC receive from PC.
I use seriallibjab to control one RS-232 in a 7" SBC(Single board computer). The PC get a wrong code when SBC send out a string to pc. But the string code is ok when SBC receive from PC.
AStream.Initialize(RS232.InputStream, RS232.OutputStream, "AStream")
Send code to PC ?? PC get wrong code
If AStream.IsInitialized Then
Dim buff() As Byte
buff = sTxt.GetBytes("UTF8")
If buff.Length>0 Then
Dim n1 As Int
n1 = buff.length
End If
End If
Recieve event !! SBC get a good code
Sub AStream_NewData(buffer() As Byte)
Dim s1 As String
Dim n1,n2,n3,chl,val As Int
If Qc.Com =0 Then
End If
n2 = buffer.Length
If n2>0 Then
For n1=0 To n2-1
n3 = buffer(n1)
If b4alib.IOf(n3,57,48) OR b4alib.IOf1 (n3, Array As Int(75,78,79)) Then
bfbytes(bfindex) = buffer(n1)
bfindex = bfindex + 1
End If
If buffer(n1)=35 Then '#
bfindex = 0
End If
If buffer(n1)=13 Then '<CR>
s1 = BytesToString(bfbytes, 0, bfindex, "UTF8")
If s1="OK" Then
' Command = 2,4,6,7,8,10,11
Qc.Com = 0
Else If s1="NOK" Then
Qc.com = 999
If IsNumber(s1) Then
chl = Qc.cha
Select Qc.com
Case 1:' PWM<n>R Reading Registry
Qc.val = val
Case 3:'VIN Reading supply voltage
Qc.val = val
Case 5:'DLYR Reading Registry delay response (DELAY)
Qc.val = val
Case 9:'EES State saving parameters in EEPROM
Qc.val = val
Case 12:'EER Reading EEPROM user memory
Qc.val = val
Case 13:'VER HW and FW version
End Select
Qc.Com = 0
End If
End If
bfindex = 0
End If
End If
End Sub