Please note that I know close to nothing about X2, nor about what you're trying to do, so take this with a huge chunk of salt.

(I do, however, have a large number of hours spent coding demos on the C64 - oh, good times!)
My mental image is that you will have a screen with spaceships or something like that, and you want to have a starfield in the background. The field should move around, as the player moves their ship. Assuming this is correct, my first option would be to create each background star as its own entity. (Again, that might be insane for X2 - I have no idea.)
I would create, say, three arrays with star positions. This is a simple description:
Array 1, used for stars "very far away": 1 pixel per star, 50% white
Array 2, used for stars "a little closer": 1 pixel per star, 100% white
Array 3, used for stars "closest": 5 pixels per star (in a cross, like you had in your image), 100% white
When the user move in one direction I shift each star in each array in the opposite direction. Move stars in Array 1 a distance if Q pixels. Array 2 a distance of Q*2 pixels. Array 3 a distance of Q*3 pixels.
When a star is moved out of the screen, spawn a new star at a random position at the other far end so a new star is moved in. This way you will never have any repeating patterns in the stars.
Number of stars for each array is to be tested to make sure it looks good. As is the value for Q. Shouldn't be to hard to find good-looking values.