Android Question Xbee library Wrapper

Matt Brungs

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I'm wanting to create a project using some Xbee3 modules but the example App programs given use Android Studio. I'm just not that well-versed in using Android Studio and B4A but I think I can manage better with B4A. I've attached the folder that contains the Android library from Digi for the Xbee modules, but I am not comfortable at all in creating a wrapper for it. Just wondering if some one could help me by creating the wrapper that can be put into the B4A library. I have modules to test with.




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Matt Brungs

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I have searched and did find the result that you have. The module that is being used in that post is not the same that I'm using. The modules that I'm using have integrated Bluetooth/BLE and Micropython as well a host of other functionality. The modules used in that post just transmit basic information over a serial port.
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