Wish xChartLite: add option to DisplayValues on mouse over


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At present in the xChartLite library (& I presume xChart as well), the point values box appears when clicking on the chart.

Could an option be added to have it appear on mouse over instead?
This way, if the chart is held in a CustomListView for example then the point values could be displayed without firing the clv_ItemClick event.

This of course applies only to B4J projects.


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I need to look at this more in detail to see what it implies.
In the xChart library there does exist a property KeepDisplayValues, to keep the display even when you release the touch.
Depending on the amount of code it could or would be added only in the xChart library.
I do not want to increase the xChartLite library because o the Lite.


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Is this what you are interested in ?
Added the DisplayValuesOnHover property.
Yes, thank you. Except that although the values box appears the values themselves aren't actually shown....

(this test was done using the test project I uploaded here here, with DisplayValuesOnHover selected in the designer and DisplayValues unticked)


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Can you upload your project ?
I think I see the problem now; I need to have both DisplayValuesOnHover and DisplayValues true, is that correct?

In the attached the top chart has both true, the bottom chart has only DisplayValuesOnHover true.


  • test-ValuesOnHover.zip
    4.2 KB · Views: 193


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One other very slightly untidy thing I think is that the red marker line remains in place when the curser/mouse pointer is moved away from the chart.
The values box disappears, but the red line remains. I think it would be better if the red line disappeared too when the mouse pointer was moved outside of the chart bounds.


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I think I see the problem now; I need to have both DisplayValuesOnHover and DisplayValues true, is that correct?
Yes, this is by purpose, DisplayValues overrides DisplayValuesOnHover.

The values box disappears, but the red line remains.
Attached a new version.


  • xChartLite.b4xlib
    19.4 KB · Views: 191