iOS Question xCustomListView B4i issue


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No code changed since last week, but now one of my forms is crashing when loading using the xCustomListView library with view "type = CustomView, CustomType = CustomListView" within my form.

Has something changed ?

If I remove this view from the form, it loads fine (just doesn't show the view of course)


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I am struggling with that one. I have been unable to run my code in debug for quite a while now (it wont load)
This bug just crashes out of the program.

If only I can suss out why debug no longer works.....
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OK, I somehow got debug to run and go this log code.

b: 0
b: 0
b: 0
b: 0
ResponseError: Could not connect to the server., status code: 0
Error sending task: Could not connect to the server.
Class (b4i_httpjob) instance released.
b: 1
b: 1
b: 1
b: 1
b: 1
b: 1
b: 1
Error occurred on line: 33 (iCourses)
Object was not initialized (NSObject)
Stack Trace: (
  CoreFoundation       <redacted> + 150
  libobjc.A.dylib      objc_exception_throw + 38
  CoreFoundation       <redacted> + 0
  Golfcard Live        -[B4IObjectWrapper object] + 200
  Golfcard Live        -[B4INativeObject RunMethod::] + 84
  Golfcard Live        -[b4i_customlistview _initialize:::] + 1096
  CoreFoundation       <redacted> + 68
  CoreFoundation       <redacted> + 292
  Golfcard Live        +[B4I runDynamicMethod:method:throwErrorIfMissing:args:] + 1784
  Golfcard Live        -[B4IShell runVoidMethod] + 210
 Golfcard Live        -[B4IShell raiseEventImpl:method:args::] + 2042
 Golfcard Live        -[B4IShellBI raiseEvent:event:params:] + 1328
 Golfcard Live        -[B4ICustomViewWrapper AfterDesignerScript] + 2030
 Golfcard Live        -[B4ILayoutBuilder loadLayout:::] + 3268
 Golfcard Live        -[B4IPanelWrapper LoadLayout::] + 150
 CoreFoundation       <redacted> + 68
 CoreFoundation       <redacted> + 292
 Golfcard Live        +[B4I runDynamicMethod:method:throwErrorIfMissing:args:] + 1784
 Golfcard Live        -[B4IShell runMethod:] + 588
 Golfcard Live        -[B4IShell raiseEventImpl:method:args::] + 2192
 Golfcard Live        -[B4IShellBI raiseEvent:event:params:] + 1328
 Golfcard Live        +[B4IDebug delegate:::] + 52
 Golfcard Live        -[b4i_icourses _show] + 260
 Golfcard Live        -[b4i_main _lblstart_click] + 426
 CoreFoundation       <redacted> + 68
 CoreFoundation       <redacted> + 292
 Golfcard Live        +[B4I runDynamicMethod:method:throwErrorIfMissing:args:] + 1784
 Golfcard Live        -[B4IShell runMethod:] + 588
 Golfcard Live        -[B4IShell raiseEventImpl:method:args::] + 2192
 Golfcard Live        -[B4IShellBI raiseEvent:event:params:] + 1328
 Golfcard Live        __33-[B4I raiseUIEvent:event:params:]_block_invoke + 74
 libdispatch.dylib    <redacted> + 10
 libdispatch.dylib    <redacted> + 22
 libdispatch.dylib    <redacted> + 1524
 CoreFoundation       <redacted> + 8
 CoreFoundation       <redacted> + 1574
 CoreFoundation       CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 520
 CoreFoundation       CFRunLoopRunInMode + 108
 GraphicsServices     GSEventRunModal + 160
 UIKit                UIApplicationMain + 144
 Golfcard Live        main + 106
 libdyld.dylib        <redacted> + 2

Line 33 is

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This problem is affecting all my other projects which use the customlistview, as soon as I re-compile the projects and run the they no longer work.
So I am guessing something on the Hosted Builder is broken causing this... ????
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Oh, when I run this it crashes instead of showing the second (courses) page, I am compiling with your hosted server.

Both this and another project do the same when trying to load the customlistview pages.

No code has changed on either of these projects (in that area)

And this does this on both PCs that I have licenses for.

Something changed in the last week ,,,, I am stumped...
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Crashes on loading frmcourse

Error occurred on line: 21 (iCourses)
Object was not initialized (NSObject)
Stack Trace: (
  CoreFoundation       <redacted> + 150
  libobjc.A.dylib      objc_exception_throw + 38
  CoreFoundation       <redacted> + 0
  Card                 -[B4IObjectWrapper object] + 200
  Card                 -[B4INativeObject RunMethod::] + 84
  Card                 -[b4i_customlistview _initialize:::] + 1096
  CoreFoundation       <redacted> + 68
  CoreFoundation       <redacted> + 292
  Card                 +[B4I runDynamicMethod:method:throwErrorIfMissing:args:] + 1784
  Card                 -[B4IShell runVoidMethod] + 210
 Card                 -[B4IShell raiseEventImpl:method:args::] + 2042
 Card                 -[B4IShellBI raiseEvent:event:params:] + 1328
 Card                 -[B4ICustomViewWrapper AfterDesignerScript] + 2030
 Card                 -[B4ILayoutBuilder loadLayout:::] + 3268
 Card                 -[B4IPanelWrapper LoadLayout::] + 150
 Card                 -[b4i_icourses _show] + 712
 Card                 -[b4i_main _btnstart_click] + 426
 CoreFoundation       <redacted> + 68
 CoreFoundation       <redacted> + 292
 Card                 +[B4I runDynamicMethod:method:throwErrorIfMissing:args:] + 1784
 Card                 -[B4IShell runMethod:] + 588
 Card                 -[B4IShell raiseEventImpl:method:args::] + 2192
 Card                 -[B4IShellBI raiseEvent:event:params:] + 1328
 Card                 __33-[B4I raiseUIEvent:event:params:]_block_invoke + 74
 libdispatch.dylib    <redacted> + 10
 libdispatch.dylib    <redacted> + 22
 libdispatch.dylib    <redacted> + 1524
 CoreFoundation       <redacted> + 8
 CoreFoundation       <redacted> + 1574
 CoreFoundation       CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 520
 CoreFoundation       CFRunLoopRunInMode + 108
 GraphicsServices     GSEventRunModal + 160
 UIKit                UIApplicationMain + 144
 Card                 main + 106
 libdyld.dylib        <redacted> + 2
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Still no joy :(

I even started a brand new project and just created two pages, button on page 1 calls page 2 with the customlistview and this still crashes.


    4.2 KB · Views: 239
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Also tried just one page with just the customlistview on it
re-downloaded both the certificate and mobileprovision

tried both build hosts.


    2.9 KB · Views: 228
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I even started a brand new project and just created two pages, button on page 1 calls page 2 with the customlistview and this still crashes.
No issues here. Using B4i version 5.50 and online build server. I do not use #CertificateFile or #ProvisionFile.
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OK, further info.

This bug is only happening on my older devices, iPad Mini on OS 9.3.5 and iPod Touch. Latest iPad Pro on 12.1.4 works fine. Any ideas?
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Hi, The "Test" project was a new install anyway, but I tried again just now and re-installed both B4i-Bridge and the Test project and it does not work on either my iPod Touch or iPad mini both running 9.3.5 but works fine on my other later OS devices.
Can someone else try this on their older device(s) please.
I also re-installed B4i 5.51
These were in release mode.
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p.s. Why does my release say 5.51 when 5.50 is supposed to be the latest ?!?!? I re-installed from the last emailed link you sent me (Is this the cause of the issue?)
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