B4J Tutorial [XLUtils] Templates and Charts

Creating new workbooks based on existing workbooks saves a lot of work and also allows adding features that are not directly available in POI / XLUtils, such as charts.
Templates are regular workbooks.
Creating a new workbook based on an existing one is very simple, you just need to call XL.CreateWriterFromTemplate instead of CreateWriterBlank.


If the source data size is known then adding a chart is trivial. No need to do anything special.

When the size is unknown, several extra steps are needed.
It works by creating a dynamic named data range and setting it as the chart's data source.
Later we will overwrite the dynamic data range with a standard named range with the known size.

The steps to create a dynamic named data range are demonstrated in the video.
It is done with the OFFSET command from the Name Manager dialog (ctrl + F3):
=OFFSET(<top left cell>, 0, 0, <number of rows>, <number of columns>)
The <top left cell> points to the first data row, not to the header.

The relevant code from the example:
    Workbook = xl.CreateWriterFromTemplate(File.DirAssets, "Template.xlsx")
    Dim sheet As XLSheetWriter = Workbook.CreateSheetWriterByName("Sheet1")
    For i = 0 To CustomListView1.Size - 1
        Dim item() As Object = CustomListView1.GetValue(i)
        sheet.PutString(xl.AddressOne("B", 3 + i), item(0))
        sheet.PutNumber(xl.AddressOne("C", 3 + i), item(1))
    Dim LastRow1 As Int = sheet.LastAccessed.Row0Based + 1
    Workbook.AddNamedRange("Item", xl.CreateXLRangeWithSheet(xl.AddressName("B3"), xl.AddressOne("B", LastRow1), sheet.PoiSheet)) 'overwrite the name range
    Workbook.AddNamedRange("Amount", xl.CreateXLRangeWithSheet(xl.AddressName("C3"), xl.AddressOne("C", LastRow1), sheet.PoiSheet))
    Dim f As String = FileChooser.ShowSave(B4XPages.GetNativeParent(Me))
    If f <> "" Then
        f = Workbook.SaveAs(f, "", True)
    End If
End Sub


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Another similar example.

This example visualizes the data from: https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus-source-data
The user selects a country and it creates a workbook with the country data.

As the CSV data is quite large, you need to download it separately: https://covid.ourworldindata.org/data/owid-covid-data.csv



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