Every year I run into issues trying to renew my Apple Developer account. I've gone into Keychain on Mac and created a .csr using renewed account. Previously the .csr used my first and last name for credentials, but this year it used my company name e.g. iPhone Distribution: META4 TECHNOLOGY INC. So, when I attempt to compile using new .cer and .mobileprovision I get following error:
Where is the keychain stored? How do I change it from my first/last name to company name? I've spend 3 days messing with this convoluted process. Not liking Apple much.
I've attached a screen capture of my Keys directory. I contains files for 2020 and 2021.
error: Missing private key for signing certificate. Failed to locate the private key matching certificate "iPhone Distribution: META4 TECHNOLOGY INC (75MRKEVHT2)" in the keychain.
Where is the keychain stored? How do I change it from my first/last name to company name? I've spend 3 days messing with this convoluted process. Not liking Apple much.
I've attached a screen capture of my Keys directory. I contains files for 2020 and 2021.