Your apps and Ads impressions


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Case: you develop 10 apps and you add to them advertising only from one ad network.

For all I know, the gain you receive is based on the impressions and this thing is not in proportion; that is, when impressions increase, each of them will be paid more.
So, if each app displays 10,000 interstitials/day, you earn x dollars/day; but if you had only one app and if it displays 100,000 interstitials/day you would earn more.

This thing is not right, in my opinion. A different agreement with the ad network should be possible.

Otherwise, we should find a way to achieve this; a kind of launcher for our apps that allows us to get the sum of impressions.

This to me is very important, since I have published... zero apps :p
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Since you say this:
I have published... zero apps

How do you know this is true?
if each app displays 10,000 interstitials/day, you earn x dollars/day; but if you had only one app and if it displays 100,000 interstitials/day you would earn more.

FYI, there is more to it than this. I have 10 apps with ads. Each one earns a different rate per impression, it seems the more popular an app is, the higher the rate. So theres your answer to the 10 apps with 10,000 each or 1 app with 100,000.


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How do you know this is true?
I got a reply in this regard; it is on site, but I have to search it.

I have some problem to explain in English :mad:

If your 10 apps will display 100,000 Interstitials / day, just for example only "Fiat", Fiat and your Ad Network will earn X, you instead Y.
If you have one app only, same number of impressions (100,000 Interstitials / day), Fiat and your Ad Network will earn X again, you Y * 3 or more.

This is an injustice; you should get a different contract, which allows you to sum the impressions.


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If your 10 apps will display 100,000 Interstitials / day, just for example only "Fiat", Fiat and your Ad Network will earn X, you instead Y.
If you have one app only, same number of impressions (100,000 Interstitials / day), Fiat and your Ad Network will earn X again, you Y * 3 or more.

Isnt that because your 1 app is 10x more popular and will attract more advertisers than the others? I got the impression (pun - haha) that advertisers "bid" to advertise in our apps. They`ll obviously value a more popular app higher.


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Isnt that because your 1 app is 10x more popular and will attract more advertisers than the others?


I try again :(

1 ad network (xxx ad network) - 1 "sponsor", Coke -

Case a): your unique app displays 100,000 videos of Coke
Case b): your 10 apps display 100,000 videos of Coke.

In boh cases, "xxx ad network" and Coke will earn the same import, you, instead, will earn different imports.

The number of videos displayed is the same, this is the question. You should earn based on the SUM of views, as "they" (ad network and Coke) do.
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I have 5 different aps connected to admob. one of them shows around 100 interstitials / day and earns about 3$
another shows 500 / Day but earns me 0.20$

category,country is also affecting


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This is an android game.


3,835 impressions and total of 5.43 TRY = nearly 1.90$ earning

This is an ios APP


597 impressions and around 5.50$ earning

We can say that ios is much better for this ase. And for other apps of mine, this is true. But now lets look at another ios:

another ios game


2840 imppressions and total of around 2.5$ ..

So not only ios vs android but there are big changes from app to app


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it's all complicated.

In @tufanv's case the IOS one had a lot more cliks otherwise the earning difference wouldn't have been so big.

In one case IOS has better rpm in another way worse than android.

It's hard to find a line in the figures you get to see.

But some ad company person here wrote once that things get more interesting when going over 100.000 impressions/day on an app.
Below that is maybe seen as normal low traffic with small rewards.


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When I`m getting over 100,000 per day I`ll have my maid send you notification from the Lear Jet


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But some ad company person here wrote once that things get more interesting when going over 100.000 impressions/day on an app.

but this is what I don't agree!

You can get 100,000 impressions/day thanks to your unique app or your ten apps!

As I wrote, if my unique app displays 100,000 interstitials/day, for example, and they are all ads for Coke, Coke will be happy for those 100,000 impressions.
If i get same 100,000 intestitials but using 10 apps, Coke will be happy for... THOSE 100,000 impressions; for Coke the result is the same, so for me, developer, it should be the same.

You (we) should have a contract based on "app producer", not on app!

Please, learn Italian, I can not explain it better :p


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right, but it doesn't seem to work that way. They look at it traffic wise per app.

but indeed, coca cola will be the same amount in the picture.

life ain't always fair, you should've known it by now ;)


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right, but it doesn't seem to work that way. They look at it traffic wise per app.

but indeed, coca cola will be the same amount in the picture.

life ain't always fair, you should've known it by now ;)

I know.... I KNOW !!!

but contracts with Ads Network are not "natural things"; we, as developers, should rise up and claim our rights.


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LucaMs said:
we, as developers, should rise up and claim our rights.
I'll go to find some tyres to burn...

Sorry, my syndicalist vein appears... :D