B4J Tutorials

[Server] Login System & Filters Tutorial


Try it online: https://www.b4x.com:51042/login_example/
Note that it is not connected to the forum database. Feel free to test it and register new users. Its only purpose...


  • LoginExample.zip
    11.7 KB · Views: 2,199
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[Pen & Paper]: Create a simple 'Contacts' ABMaterial WebApp - Part 2

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[ABMaterial]: Getting & Setting JavaScript Properties to Custom Components

Hi there

When creating custom components, you will deal with javascript. You component will come up with its own methods to execute and events that you can trap.

This tutorial deals with getting...

[ABMaterial]: Theming Custom Components with CSS

Hi there

In one of my MashPlugIns components, I was asked if the components were theme-able. I have never really explored this in detail as some were just easy to theme using the css files...

[ABMaterial] Better Delegating the creation of complex components

[EDIT: This thread started as my approach to delegating complex components creation, including events.
@alwaysbusy then proposed a better system, that he needs us to say if we want it...
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[Pen & Paper]: Create a simple 'Contacts' ABMaterial WebApp - Part 1

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[ABMaterial] Printing/Reporting with the upcoming version 3.75

A sneak peek on a new feature of ABMaterial I'm working on: Printing/Reporting.

This is an example of a report in ABMaterial. You build it right into your other pages and just by setting a...
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[ABMaterial] Custom Icons

A much asked feature has been to integrate custom icons in ABMaterial. In version 4.25, this will be possible.


Couple of notes first:
1. The...
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Microsoft change to User Document Directory

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[ABMaterial] Raspberry Pi Service Setup

To install a service on a Raspberry Pi enabling start, stop, status and autostart an ABMaterial application.
The tutorial uses an ABMaterial v4.00 example application [to explore...
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[B4X] External Editors

Short one.

You can configure the IDE to show a list of external file editors. The list shows when you right click on a file in the Files tab...
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[ABMaterial] Custom Component Shiny Knob

Create an ABM custom component for a shiny knob control.


* This is the authors first...
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Accordion container


The Accordion container (added in B4J v5.0) is a container similar to TabPane. It holds TitledPanes. These are panes with titles.

Using the accordion is quite simple. Add the...


  • AccordionExample.zip
    5.1 KB · Views: 1,327

[GCE] For Noobs, Part 13 - Pricing Calculator Basics - What To Consider

Hello Fellow Noobers!

This is a quick high-level tutorial to go over the pricing of VMs and some things for consideration.

GCE has A LOT of services to offer and each service has a fee (this is...

[GCE] For Noobs, Part 12 - Static vs Ephemeral IP Addresses

‘Static’? ‘Ephemeral’? What the heck am I talking about? It sounds like something from the Ghostbusters movie with references to the Key Master, Gate Keeper and my old pal Zuul!

Going back to...

[GCE] For Noobs, Part 11 - Firewall

If you have gotten this far then you have already tried to access your web app or socket app from your desktop and discovered that nothing seems to be working. This is almost certainly due to a...

[GCE] For Noobs, Part 9 - Running Your B4J App

Update: 05 Nov 2017 - Included a section at the end to explain how to access your app from outside of the VM.

Congratulations! You’re at Tutorial 9 and you’re now ready to run your B4J app...
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[GCE] For Noobs, Part 8 - Installing A B4J Console App

For security reasons GCP will not allow plain old FTP access to their servers. But, they do offer a nice alternative to copying files from your desktop and onto your VM. It’s a bit like using...


  • GCE Demo.zip
    87.4 KB · Views: 353
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[GCE] For Noobs, Part 7 - Changing MariaDB root Password

After installing the MariaDB database we need to change the password for the root user. If the password is not changed then anyone could log into your database do what they like to it.

We’ll do...

[GCE] For Noobs, Part 5 - Installing the Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

Okay fellow Noobs, we’re at the point where we want to run our superduper fabulistic world changing app. We will need to have the Java Runtime installed on the VM instance. This requires running a...