
  1. W

    Android Tutorial Hugo - ESP8266 4-button WiFi remote

    Not exactly a tutorial or Android-only, but a hint to the community for those who like playing with home automation stuff, and possibly for others as well. I happened across this very nice device (IMHO): https://www.tindie.com/products/nicethings/hugo-esp8266-4-button-wifi-remote/ and couldn't...
  2. It's growing quickly

    B4A is less than 10 years old (basic4ppc is probably 10 years old, B4A is younger). Now there is XUI-B4X... Less than 10 years old and... it is already over 175cm high :D [This tribute because right now I (we - me and @LordZenzo) "completed" a useful b4xlib - "completed" between quotes just...
  3. B4J Library [B4X] [XUI] SD_TreeList

    SD_TreeList Author: Star-Dust Version: 0.27 B4XTree Events: Click (IDLeaf As String, LeafName As String) ClickBranch (ID As String, Expanded As Boolean) LongRightClick (IDLeaf As String, LeafName As String) LongRightClickBranch (ID As String, BranchName As String) Fields...
  4. B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] SD_TreeList

    Download a Library from Here SD_TreeList Author: Star-Dust Version: 0.27 B4XTree Events: Click (IDLeaf As String, LeafName As String) ClickBranch (ID As String, Expanded As Boolean) LongRightClick (IDLeaf As String, LeafName As String) LongRightClickBranch (ID As String, BranchName As...
  5. D

    Android Question How to install *.b4xlib

    Hi Guys Sorry if I have missed the obvious but I can't find how to load the *.b4xLib from post https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-xml2map-simple-way-to-parse-xml-documents.74848/ I think it either goes in the internal library or addition folder - but I don't want to screw my working...
  6. D

    Android Question Ideas storing an app's global variables

    Hi, Guys Scanning through the forum it appears that (using V4B 8.3+) it is OK to define global variables in the Starter Server (in the sub Process_Globals) as it will not be removed by the OS whilst the App is running, Question - is that correct? Also, would I be safe to store global variables...
  7. D

    Android Question B4X Cross platform AddMenuItem

    Hi Guys I am trying to convert a project which runs on both B4A and B4I to be cross platform. I have started with converting the B4A, but hit a query. How do I deal with AddMenuItem - I am trying to move as much code as possible to X-platform class as suggested by Erel in...
  8. J

    Android Question B4x Best Practice for downloading and parsing Objects

    This is a generic question about the responsibility of a class in downloading and parsing it's own members and if this is considered good practice. I have a now large program that downloads multiple objects from the internet and saves them into lists I am trying to keep my main class as "clean"...
  9. W

    B4J Tutorial Raspbee - RPi Zigbee home automation with B4X

    Introduction: The Raspbee (or Conbee, which is the USB version - the information here will only refer to the Raspbee) from Dresden Elektronik (https://shop.dresden-elektronik.de/raspbee.html, also available elsewhere, e.g. on Amazon) is a Zigbee (https://www.zigbee.org/) radio board for the...
  10. Wish B4XPreferencesDialog

    i think this PreferencesDialog is great for collecting data. nice to have would be a image selector (example for a user image) select from an image list (product from products) measurements L x W x H/ dimensions in meter or cm weights in kg rating 1-5 stars
  11. Android Question [SOLVED] Two B4XTables on Android causes a error?

    Hi all, i use 2 B4XTables in the same project, and i get a error referented to SQLite. Has anyone had a similar experience?Has anyone had a similar experience? The error: Error occurred on line: 601 (B4XTable) android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: near ")": syntax error (code 1): , while...
  12. K

    B4A Class [B4X] myPopup popup menu (B4A/B4i)

    Here's a small class which produces a simple popup menu anchored to a view. It works in B4A and B4i currently. I've attached projects to show how it is used. Enjoy. [Edit] New version 1.1 has better support for popup menus inside (nested?) scrollviews.
  13. Android Question [SOLVED] When i PUT a JSON the server responses bad request

    Hi im working on a Flask restfull API for a Android App, as is my first android client i having troubles with a PUT request, i send the json but the server responces bad request, the reason: the backend can't parse the json. I printed it on the log an paste it on "Postman" and its work very...
  14. Pity the IDE is in Windows Only....

    Ola So this was a response to a tweet I made that B4X always comes top!!! Well I was forced to upgrade my laptop to win 10 after being comfortable in win7 fpr a very long time and the only reason im using a windows laptop is due to b4x. It is a logical thing for win though due to costs...
  15. B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] SD XUIScrollView2D

    I develop the XUI version of the ScrollView2D library that created @Informatix. I did not base myself on its code but developed everything from scratch. It is still unripe, but it works well and is not very heavy. Clearly for iOS already the native ScrollView is 2D as well as for Desktop...
  16. B4J Library [B4X] [XUI] SD ElasticTrimmer

    SD_ElasticTrimmer Author: Star-Dust Version: 0.04 ElasticTrimmer Events: Change (Value As Int) Functions: DesignerCreateView (Base As Object, Lbl As Label, Props As Map) Base type must be Object GetBase Initialize (Callback As Object, EventName As String) Invalidate RemoveViewFromParent...
  17. M

    Android Question [SOLVED] KeyPress Event Unmanageable

    Hi, everyone, i'm coding an app, and i wanted to do it graphically catchy, so i designed my own msgBox in the designer, and i display it using the custom B4XDialog and loading the layout i did. Now, the problem is that it doesn't aumatic handle the KeyPress Back event, so you have to do it...
  18. Android Code Snippet time switch class

    Class Name TimeSwitch 'time switch Sub Class_Globals Type HourSettings(q1 As Boolean,q2 As Boolean,q3 As Boolean,q4 As Boolean) Private DaySettings(24) As HourSettings '0 to 23 End Sub 'Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed. Public Sub...
  19. Android Question change color of input dialogs (B4XInputTemplate)

    Hi. i use the input dialogs (B4XInputTemplate) https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-input-dialogs-with-xui-views.101197/ how i can change the color of dialog?(background and color of header) thank you
  20. B4A Library [B4X] AS Views Overview

    AS Tab Menu (Bottom Menu) AS Bottom Menu V2 AS Animated Counter AS MsgBox AS PinLock AS Sliding Onboarding AS Onboarding AS Placeholder AS Button Slider AS Floating Loading Button AutoTextSizeLabel AS Sliding Circles (Loadingview) AS Ripple View AS Gradients Panel AS Color...
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