
  1. S

    German b4a APK Decompilieren Decrypt Quelltext Sichtbar machen

    Moin, gibt es eine möglichkeit seine mit B4a erstellten APK's zu schützten? Ich denke mal das muss von B4a aus kommen beim Compilieren? So kenne ich das von anderen Programmiersprachen. Oder sind alle APK von Basic in Java decompilierbar? Gruß Sascha
  2. M

    iOS Question Connect to BLE devices providing PIN programmatically

    Hi everyone, someone of you knows if it's possible to connect to a BLE Devices that needs the PIN, and give it by code, instead of let the user insert it through a dialog? Thanks in advance
  3. Android Question Label Long Text - View More

    Hi, does any body knows how to create something like: View More And then the long text expand
  4. R

    Android Question Adding StatelistDrawable button in code

    I am using StatelistDrawable buttons, setup in the designer, but how would I add these buttons in code, not using the designer? StatelistDrawable ColorDrawable Color: #FFFFFFFF Corner radius: 6 Border color: #00FFFFFF BorderWidth: 0 Pressed Drawable: Color: Default Corner radius: 0 RBS
  5. Share My Creation B4X Template Code Generator 1.00

    I have created this code generator, using a code template to use the same name as the views in the layout. The B4X Dialog Custom template (B4XPreferenceDialog) generates the necessary class to create the dialog using the names of the designer views. The Layout as class template creates a class...
  6. Android Tutorial [B4X] B4X Online Tools - JSON Parser/QR Generator/Regex Parser

    Full list of B4J Server Examples: If there are other online tools that simplify programming with B4X, then I expand the thread.
  7. Android Question AppWar / CodeWars

    Hello. I would like to propose that something similar to CodeWars be created in B4X Text taken from wikipedia. Click on CodeWars on wikipedia for more information.
  8. Spanish Guerra de aplicaciones

    Hola. Me gustaría proponer que en B4X se creara algo parecido a CodeWars Texto tomado de CodeWars: Jugar practicar, codear.
  9. Android Question [RESOLVED] how can I create a BBLabel by code, without using the designer?

    how can I create a BBLabel by code, without using the designer? I want to add it to a panel, and put a text in BBLabel on it, I've tried it in many ways, but it always says you need to initialize ... if i do it via designer it works blz, but in my case i will need it via code, because i will...
  10. Android Question Change Manifest code by code

    Hello, there is a way to change manifest code via code? For example, this code in manifest AddReplacement($ADMOB_APP_ID$, ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~3347511713) For some reason i want to change it by code. Thank you.
  11. Android Question Add CustomView by code Multiple times

    This question refer to this discussion: In the linked discussion has been given the solution how to add a CustomView by code: making a dedicated layout with the CustomView and loading the...
  12. N

    Android Question Services and Toast message

    Hi , I start a service with startserviceat that activate an alert message at a given time and set the next scheduled alert. 1. When the phone is not connected to the computer I dont get the alert message. 2. How can i have a message in the notification on the top of the phone. The service doesn...
  13. M

    iOS Question Barcode 39 Generator - Blank rightmost area

    Hi everyone, i was trying this code from @Erel that generates a Code39 Barcode, it works perfectly. The only doubt is: How can I get rid of that blank area on the right of the code? (or at least center the code in the imageview?) Thanks in advance.
  14. Wish [B4X] More automatic code snippets

    Hello Anywhere Software, It would be really nice to have either more automatic code snippets built into the IDE, or maybe even user configurable code snippets for more commonly used Object.Method. For example in C# if I type cw > Tab, after I hit the Tab key the cw will automatically turn int...
  15. M

    Android Question TabstripViewPager Properties by code

    Hi everyone, i would like to use the TabstripViewPager and i need to change classic properties by code, like "visible", "height", "width", "setAnimatedLayout" etc.. but if i write TabstripViewPager. nothing shows up after the dots excepts for: CurrentPage, DesignerCreateView, LoadLayout and...
  16. M

    iOS Question CustomListView loaded layout can't be modified by code

    Hi everyone, i'm trying to adapt an example of a chat layout (android reference by @Douglas Farias) I want to change the property (width, height, position) of a panel in a customlistview (loaded with loadlayout). If I go step by step with the Debugger it seems to work, but as soon as it go on...
  17. M

    iOS Question Ask for enable gps / localization

    Hi, i took a look to this example. In case the user manually disable the location option, how can I show again the msgbox to ask to enable it by code? Maybe to put in the "LocManager_AuthorizationStatusChanged" event
  18. M

    iOS Question TextField change Border Color (by code)

    Hi everyone, it's possibile to change the parameter "Border Color" of an TextField by code? I have a TextField in RoundRectangle style, and i want to change the border color to red when it is required. I got done in designer but not by code
  19. Android Question Splitting coding window horizontally

    Hello, I'm asking a question I didn't see in the forum (or I've lost my glasses !) Is there a way to split the (tab) coding window horizontally ? why this question ? I generally code my views, so when I create a new one, I go on top to declare, then go on bottom to code many times an hour. So...
  20. M

    Bug? Search in B4A

    Why if I click the Search Tab it appears blank?
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