
  1. kimstudio

    Share My Creation Game: TimePilot

    Time Pilot is a multi-directional shooter game originally released in 1982. I am impressed by its remake from PICO-8 and decided to make a B4X port to figure out its techniques and effects based on my implementation of the part of the PICO-8 graphics and audio api engine, for learning purpose...
  2. XorAndOr

    Games Game OXO

    The great challenge was not to create a tic-tac-toe game, but play with 2 people via internet in real time!
  3. kimstudio

    Share My Creation sfxgen - B4A

    SfxGen generates Lo-Fi like 8 bit sound effect for games. The generated sfx can be exported to wav file. B4A version of the B4J one. Languages of EN/CN support based on Localizator code. SaveAs via Erel's FileHandler.bas. For streaming wave format file it is better to use RAF to write it in...
  4. josejad

    B4R Question ESP32 based Game of Life

    If someone wants to play with it...
  5. G

    Share My Creation Salami!

    Hello world of B4X! Many years ago (about 30) I wrote a simple game using Visual Basic, to play together with my son and to teach him a little about programming. The two players shared the same keyboard and mouse on a personal computer. It was just to play between us. Last year, after...
  6. G

    Share My Creation Salami!

    Hello world of B4X! Many years ago (about 30) I wrote a simple game using Visual Basic, to play together with my son and to teach him a little about programming. The two players shared the same keyboard and mouse on a personal computer. It was just to play between us. Last year, after...
  7. Abdou1283

    Share My Creation English School for toddlers

    An app with music and colorful letters and numbers to help your little one learn the alphabet and numbers in English please try it and report any shortcomings or errors and suggestions for improvement. Download Link:
  8. Dhanen

    Android Question CreditsRoll Library in newer versions of Android Studio?

    Hi all, Hope this question is well posted here. I am new and I am not sure, please if doesn't, tell me where I should move it. And sorry if my english is not as good, but it's not my first language (even not my second one). I have been searching and asking here and there during some months...
  9. kimstudio

    Share My Creation Loder4X

    Ported B4J LodeRunnerX to B4A for old memeories... Purely made based on Erel's BitmapCreator and Audio SoundPool. It is running at 40FPS but I slow down the actor speed to make it easier as a virtual joystick pad controller can't match a real keyboard. Any level can be selected by virtual pad...
  10. FrostCodes

    Best game making advice channel

    So everyone, I have been researching a lot about game dev to help improve all my apps and monetization because my App Business is opening fully very soon. I discovered this YouTube channel(Game-wisdom) and I think it would be helpful to everyone. They talk about: Indie Development Monetization...
  11. kimstudio

    Share My Creation Game: Catch the Cat

    A small game to catch the cat in B4A. I saw this in another forum that when there is 404 you can play it on the 404 page. The game requires you to mark the circle to lock the cat inside to avoid she runs away. The number of initial marked circles will be decreased each time you win, I don't...
  12. aeric

    Android Example [B4XPages] [BitmapCreator] Cross platform Falling Sand game

    Based on the original example: This is just a conversion from individual platform into B4XPages. I also uploaded to my github.
  13. melonZgz

    Games Pinball Game

    While I'm updating all my games this weekend I had the idea of making a pinball game, so I've been working on a little prototype: First I'll show you what I have: I've allways liked pinball, and I've been involved in a lot of pinball projects... I own a virtual pinball machine I did myself...
  14. N

    Share My Creation Game Eight Crazy

    Greetings colleagues. I want to share this game of crazy 8, with the basic rules that are usually used in Peru. Based on B4xPages. (B4a B4j). I share some images. I am aware that I am Too far from perfect application. Basically I designed it out of passion for programming, B4x is one of my...
  15. Ja8

    Games Trying to put a "fire button" in my stage with LibGDX

    Hi everybody: First of all, this is my first message in the forum. I have read the rules, but I'm sorry if I had some errors writing this. I'm trying to make a very simple game in LibGDX with a main screen, a stage, an actor, a camera that follows the actor and a couple of buttons (to shot and...
  16. melonZgz

    Android Question admob ads content, google play families policy and the use of tagForChildDirectedTreatment

    Hello friends. I have been trying to update one of my games without much success, since Google has rejected my update several times, always claiming the content of the ads. Finally yesterday they removed the game from the store. A game with almost 1M downloads The problem is that it's a game...
  17. carlos7000

    Spanish Guerra de aplicaciones

    Hola. Me gustaría proponer que en B4X se creara algo parecido a CodeWars Texto tomado de CodeWars: Jugar practicar, codear.
  18. nicolino33

    Italian Il mio primo gioco con GameView

    Ciao a tutti, felice di presentare il mio primo gioco in 2D realizzato con l'ausilio della libreria GameView. Questa libreria in effetti si presta molto bene all'animazione 2D, pochi ed efficaci istruzioni che grazie all'accelerazione hardware permettono di realizzare scenari anche abbastanza...
  19. walterf25

    Android Question Extra Icons on Bottom Navigation Bar

    Hi All, i'm working on wrapping a library for a client, while testing I noticed that when the app is launched there are two additional icons on the Bottom Navigation Bar, I've never seen those when creating an app before, how can I get rid of those two extra icons, i'm not doing anything...
  20. Alexander Stolte

    Share My Creation Motorsports Reaction Start (F1)

    I hope, this time i have more luck with google. This is a simple and clean F1 reaction start game. -Share your Highscore with your friends -Do it better -Have Fun Planned is also a connection to google play games to...