
  1. P

    iOS Question Compile error: Source option 6 no longer supported

    My iOS app hadn't need to be updated for more than 2 years. Last month, an obscure bug was detected so it was time for a small fix. That went well, but compilation stops with the error below: --------------------- B4i Version: 7.50 Parsing code. (0.07s) Building folders structure...
  2. AmirPYTHON

    Android Question how to hide cursor in edittext

    hi guys i have this code: But I don't know how to use it in B4A help me!
  3. M

    Android Question [XUI Views] user_interaction Java event not firing while using B4XInputTemplate

    Hi everyone, my app has a timeout timer that is resetted every time that the user interacts with the application interface. Thanks to this method However I just implemented a B4XDialog with B4XInputTemplate and I noticed that when the keyboard is used in Text Mode the "user_interaction" event...
  4. denis li

    Android Question how to get incoming call state to my SIM when I am on the voip call

    I have app which is supporting the voip call. when I am on the voip call, if I get SIM call and accept it, I am going to hold the voip call. I am using TelephonyManager and PhoneStateListener to get the incoming call state. When there is no active voip call, I can get the incoming call...
  5. Tirecs

    B4J Question [SOLVED] B4J TableView Column Alignment Error in Java versions higher than 8

    Hello forum members, we use this function for setting the alignment of columns of a TableView in our B4J applications: 'Possible Alignments: [ top-left | top-center | top-right | center-left | center | center-right | bottom-left | bottom-center | bottom-right | baseline-left | baseline-center |...
  6. M

    Android Question [B4X] Cast Map to Custom Type

    Hi everyone I was wondering if it possibile to cast a Map object to a Custom type object that has the same fields. At the moment I'm doing with a function that manually get all the fields from the map. Thanks in advance
  7. xXswetXx19

    Android Question Call a b4a function from java jar library

    I have a APP in b4a with a list that i want to fill each time that a listener in my jar library is triggered, for this i want to call a function in my b4a code from the jar library, i tried too many ways but it didnt work, can you help me? (Sorry my english) The jar is the comunication module...
  8. L

    Android Question PLS help me with JavaClass Implementation With OnActivityResult

    pls help me about this implementation.... I'll keep it simple and try to be clear. I have 2 Class in .java (ziwiIntegratror and ziwiResponse) and these java files need to implement '' (DONE). I put exactly these java files between the tags "#if Java #End If" and...
  9. james_sgp

    Android Question B4xpages problem, Java code

    Hi, I have the following code working fine in a non B4xpages app, but trying to use it in a B4xpages app I`m getting an error. The code is: Sub GetRndNonRepeatingList(lSize As Int, rnMin As Int, rnMax As Int) As List Dim llist As List Dim nr As Int llist.Initialize Private...
  10. gezueb

    B4J Question Call Powershell from b4j

    I try to call powershell with the parameters: PowerShell -Command "Add-Type –AssemblyName System.Speech; (New-Object System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer).Speak('hello');" However, I cannot figure out how to do it. shl.Initialize("shl", "java", _ Array As String("Powershell...
  11. J

    Android Question How to convert getIntent() to parseUri(...,...) ??? in an activity ? Android/Java

    Hi I have this code in my sub-activity: Intent intent = getIntent(); message = intent.getStringExtra(MainActivity.EXTRA_MESSAGE); and the code is working ok, but the getIntent(); command is labeled as "deprecated", so I would like to replace it with parseUri, but my new code does not work...
  12. B

    Android Question RDC conector not take database specified in file

    Hi, I've running RDC server and works fine, but the test URL always shows this RemoteServer is running (10/25/2022 13:44:24) Error fetching connection. In file I've this config #DATABASE CONFIGURATION DriverClass=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver...
  13. M

    B4J Question Modern and custom window shape

    Hi everyone, i wish to build a desktop app but with some modern vibes in it. So I imagined it without the ugly windows default window, but more like macos apps. Is it possibile to create an app that has this type of GUI using B4J? no borders, round corners, functioning buttons (close, minimize...
  14. F

    Java Question Call Java Class from library by name without variable definition

    Hello every one, Is it possible to use java class from library directly? In file library we can call methods directly for instance File.delete() But I can't call my class like that for example I have class names Utils public class Utils { public void test(){ // DO SOME OPERATION } } I...
  15. M

    Android Question [B4XPages] Upload files with WebView

    Hi everyone, In my project I have a WebView that loads a webpage that has a "Choose File" button. I took a look in the forum and i found this post: Upload files with WebView However... the attached project works, but it's not b4xpages... As soon as i take the code (and the manifest too) to put...
  16. JazzPiano

    Android Question Help with keys management

    Hi, Does anyone know how to deal with the Fire tv keys on a webapp that uses webview to navigate through a webpage with touchable images and buttons? The problem is that when dealing with the Activity_KeyPress() to handle the back button and go back or exit the application: Sub...
  17. Carlos marin

    Android Question Library creation error, Context.getApplicationContext() error

    Hello friends, I would like you to help me with my concerns, I am new to this topic of creating libraries so I try to understand but in the following I have not found a solution. I am creating a wrapper of an SDK, in the first part I must initialize it and get the ok or the error of said...
  18. Carlos marin

    Zendesk SDK iOS and Android wrapper

    Hi, I'm looking for someone who can help me with the Zendesk SDK wrapper, both for iOS and Android, with all its services: SUPPORT SDK Zendesk Guide ANSWER BOT SDK CHAT SDK V2 TALK SDK The SDK link is as follows: You can...
  19. H

    B4J Code Snippet Splitter with Fixed Pane

    The Java splitter has the nasty tendency of resizing both panels when the form or splitter parent is resized. I think it is a better behaviour when we have one fixed panel and one flexible panel, so when you resize the form, one panel keeps its size and only the other one changes. Fighting this...
  20. Z

    Bug? Connect to server with protocole UDP

    Hello, when I call my server with my library, it works only in Debug mode but crashes in Release mode. And i added permission in manifest: AddPermission(android.permission.INTERNET) The problem is on all my phones, they are with the following android version: 8.0, 9.0 and 11.0. It’s a huawei...