
  1. Android Question Problem using list / map

    Hello guys, I've seen this issue in many other threads here, but now that I need it I'm unable to find the answer. I cast labels on the activity and want to save their information for later retrieval (.text, .left, .top, etc). I created a map with the fields I want to save. I lstLetters.add...
  2. Android Question LIST2 = SHUFFELIST(LIST1) also changes LIST1, Why?

    Hello Guys, I have the following code to shuffle LIST1 into LIST2, but at the end both lists are shuffled. I want LIST1 as it was originally. What am I doing wrong? Dim lstWords1, lstWords2 As List lstWords1 = Array("AVIÃO", "BOLA", "CASA", "COPO", "DADO", "FACA", "FLOR", "FOGO"...
  3. B4J Question Unreadble Characters

    Hello All, I am reading several text files into lists, processing the info and writing them again. One of the files, however has some special characters, tar i connot read correctly. Any ideias ? File: :· 72033258 7203325704/04/2018 :· 72033259 7203325704/04/2018 :µ 72035960 7203596104/04/2018...
  4. Share My Creation B4A Checkbox List Pop-up UI Class

    hello, today i made a class to pop up a list selection with checkboxes (in a scrollview) from a key value map inside a activity. after ok click the map is updated. note: i think a better solution is using a extra activity and jump into with CallSubDelay2 and then jump back where it comes from...
  5. Android Question [solved] how to use the List.Sort ??? (issue with utf-8 byte order mark from notepad editor)

    i have a textfile in utf-8 and this code but the list is not sorted. (7.80) i put a A at top of the file and a Z an the end. Dim problems As List = File.ReadList(File.DirAssets,"problems.txt") problems.Sort(True) Dim i As Int For i = 0 To problems.Size-1...
  6. Share My Creation Projects Librarys List / Search

    hi, i made a b4j (b4x) tool, it searching for all projects files and get the library information of it. then you can search by name and sort the first column.
  7. Android Tutorial [B4x]Data exchange (B4x, php, servers, .net and others)

    After some years I have developed several apps to communicate with other apps, servers and platforms. My goal was to have ONE standard solution without additional propriatary solutions which work only on platform a but not on b. So I've ended up with lists and maps converted from/to JSON...
  8. Wish IDE Extra Library List

    in a extra library folder please can you scan folders there too? some libs comes also with examples, i like to just unzip libs into a folder. i like also to see in the library list window a hint if the lib comes from b4a or forum, or at least from the extra folder. (+unicode symbol?)
  9. A

    Android Question Array of text boxes or list

    Hello, I am trying to make an activity with on a horizontal line 1 label and 3 text boxes. the label just contains a number. Of the 3 text boxes, two must be filled in. When a enter is given, the third will be filled in and three new textboxes will appear. In the end, there will be a long...
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