
  1. Android Question DIPs, how independent are they really?

    Thinking about Device Independent Pixels I thought this must be the best thing since sliced bread. However, when I was playing around with listviews I noticed that a 85dips high layout loaded in a 85dips high listview item didn't fit. Although I thought it was a bit strange, I didn't think of it...
  2. Italian B4J :diversificare proprietà durante items.add

    Buongiorno a tutti, sapete dirmi se riesco a modificare qualche proprietà durante l'inserimento di una riga in una listview ? es: ListViewOrd.Items.Add(Riga) In base alla valore "Riga" vorrei cambiare il colore oppure il font del testo che vado ad inserire . Per non sconvolgere il lavoro...
  3. Android Question in code ListView property Change

    Hello A simple problem: How can i change ListView TextSize property in run time? Sub Process_Globals End Sub Sub Globals Private Button1 As Button Private EditText1 As EditText Private ListView1 As ListView End Sub Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)...
  4. H

    Android Question Listview RTL direction

    using this library by @Semen Matusovskiy Listview is not changed to RTL direction! any suggestion
  5. B

    Android Question Question regarding scrollview height ( + project attached )

    Hi, I try to create scrollview(A), then I load layout, and inside that I create : B. another layout C. panel inside that layout D. then, listview Question : 1. how to make the scrollview (A) & panel that hold listview (B) have dynamic height based on listview (D) height content ? 2. In...
  6. B4J Library SD: XUI_Design

    Goodmorning everyone, We have often discussed in this forum in different threads about the need to be able to insert XUI from design. We all know that the direction that is suggested by AnyWhere software is to create in the design the native views and then replace B4XView to the type...
  7. Spanish Mostrar mensajes de un .db al hacer click en listview B4A

    Buenas, soy nuevo en este mundillo y tengo un problema con mi código. Expongo la situación: Estoy trabajando en una aplicación de listados de fallos. A través de una base de datos .db muestro en un list view los fallos. Mi problema es que cuando hago clic encima de un item del list view quiero...
  8. Italian Stampare una List (ListView)

    Buongiorno, sono un "praticone" (Hobbista, hobby, passatempo), vorrei sapere se è possibile trovare il codice (anche a pagamento) per poter stampare una List generata da un file in una cartella del Cellulare. Non so se sono chiaro.
  9. M

    B4J Question Listview item loaded with layout of checkbox, textfield, button addressability

    I am testing loading a listview items of a layout "subLvLayout" containing a checkbox, a textfield and a button, all looks fine. (please see picture) My question is how can these individual listview item's checkbox, textfield and button be addressed? e.g. click action, textfields' text...
  10. M

    B4J Question How to carry out some action before allowing Listview change of index

    I am in a situation where I need to prevent Listview change of index (either mouse click or keyboard up/down) and take action to save a textarea content before allowing Listview's change of index. Unlike a button click, where it can be cancelled within the "action" sub, a change of index only...
  11. B4J Question B4J Multiple columns in ListView on form

    New to B4J and trying to determine if it will do what I need for a project. Initially I'm just trying to return 5 rows with 6 columns each from a sqlite database and display them in multiple columns in a selecteable listview on a form. I've found several examples of getting the individual...
  12. K

    Android Question Listview with different item width

    I needed listview with different row width. show in attach image. Any library? or how to do?
  13. Android Question How to add remote http image in a ListView

    How can I add an image in the ListView using an http image, I've already tried using DownloadImage ( did not work. How can I do this? to load a ListView using the AddTwoLinesAndBitmap or...
  14. K

    Android Question error with customlistview

    java.lang.RuntimeException: android.os.TransactionTooLargeException: data parcel size 1176092 bytes I got this is error on customlistview add and there are only 515 records to load Error log :: java.lang.RuntimeException: android.os.TransactionTooLargeException: data parcel size 1176092 bytes...
  15. Android Example Filter the Contents of a ListaVieW By Sql code

    This example shows how to filter the contents of a database and load the results in a listview using an edittext. for each letter entered in edittext the results are shown in the listview. It could be useful for someone. Sub EditText1_TextChanged (Old As String, New As String) Dim ListRow(1000)...
  16. K

    Android Question custom view parent click

    Hii experts, My custom view Label class is working fine. I add custom view label object in custom list view by add row function. But customlistview_itemclick event is not running when I click on custom view. Here is my code of custom cllick event Private Sub mBase_Click Log(mCallBack)...
  17. B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] SD XUIView2

    Dependence: SD CreativeBackground SD_XUIView2 Author: Star-Dust Version: 0.14 B4XRangeSeekBar Events: ChangeValue (MinValue As Float, MaxValue As Float) Fields: Tag As Object Functions: AddToParent (PanelToAdd As B4XView, Left As Int, Top As Int, Width As Int, Height As Int) As String...
  18. B4J Question b4x,xui listview?

    hello , what is the equivalent for a multi column listview similar to vb6 in b4x / xui ? As ListView > As B4XView ? i need a b4x list view for b4j & b4a i have a type that represent the columns, except the byte array. Type Entry(Id As Int,Name As String,Url As String,Password() As...
  19. K

    Android Question CustomListView running too slow

    I have same problem again. my customlistview taking more than 4 min for nearly 1200 records of sqlite 7.12.00 7.16.00 my code is : cursor = Starter.year.ExecQuery("select * from GL where FBOOK='G001' order by FDESC") Dim...
  20. K

    Android Question Custome ListView

    Hi everybody. I want to create custom listview with three different fontsize textview in each row. Thanks in Advance.
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