voice recognition

  1. G

    Android Question Crazy crashes

    Hi, it always crashes in the sub init, Log ("RuntimePermissions") Dim rp As RuntimePermissions rp.CheckAndRequest(rp.PERMISSION_RECORD_AUDIO) rp.CheckAndRequest(rp.PERMISSION_READ_CONTACTS) ' *** crashes next line rp.CheckAndRequest(rp.PERMISSION_WRITE_CONTACTS)...
  2. M

    Share My Creation Sleeping Diary. Voice recognition

    Sleeping Diary - recognition of language in offline text, creation of automatically ordered records. Description: A simple diary or, if you like, voice notes. This version is for EN language only. Initially, it was planned to create a diary. I needed two things: 1. Independence from the...
  3. MegatenFreak

    Android Question App reruns when back is pressed during google voice recognition

    Hi. My app shows users short video clips and then opens Google voice recognition so they can repeat what they heard. problem is, sometimes they haven't heard the clip or are simply not ready, so they press back to go back (since there's no way to 'repeat' or 'cancel' Google VR), but when they...
  4. jroriz

    Android Question [SOLVED] "SpeechToText - Continuous Offline Voice Recognition" has stopped working

    I have successfully downloaded and tested the project SpeechToText - Continuous Offline Voice Recognition. So I changed the model to Portuguese. Then it started giving the error below when I click the "Speech to text" button . After several attempts, I took the ORIGINAL project again, deleted...
  5. Biswajit

    B4A Library SpeechToText - Continuous Offline Voice Recognition

    This is a wrapper of Acephei VOSK , With this, you can add continuous offline speech recognition feature to your application, NOTE: As it works offline the app should be complied with the voice model. It will increase the app size by 30-40Mb. The accuracy depends on the voice model. You can...
  6. Biswajit

    B4A Library SpeechRecognitionNoUI - Google Speech Recognition Without Popup

    A better alternative for offline recognition is available here. With this, you can add speech recognition feature to your application without google speech recognition popup (check attached example), SpeechRecognitionNoUI Author: @Biswajit Version: 1.6 SpeechRecognitionNoUI Events...
  7. Humberto

    Share My Creation Hands Free Notes a To Do List with Voice Commands

    Hand Free Notes (HFN) is a To Do List program where you can write down your thoughts, tasks to do, supermarket list in an organized and practical way. Our great advantage is that you can do all of this through voice commands. So you're in your car and you remember to do something, you have a...
  8. J

    Android Question Way to click the voice recognition button on the keyboard

    On the keyboard that appears when an edittext view gets the focus, is a button for voice recognition. Is there a way of clicking this button programmatically? I know there is a voice recognition class in B4A but that one puts a big google widget on screen and also only gives a little time for...
  9. Multiverse app

    Android Question Snowboy crashes

    This problem is regarding the Snowboy library that @DonManfred wrapped. Snowboy recently trained universal hotword for us: The issue we are facing is that we are not able to initialize the Snowboy object with any .udml file. When the following method is called, the app crashes with no logs...
  10. A

    Android Question voice recognition "wake word"

    Hello, does anybody know what do I need to use for my app to do something if I am saying something(on long duration of silence), without touching or pressing anything on my app? I tried using voice recognition in a loop, but when the voice recognition dialog has no match (for example in a case...
  11. A

    Android Question Close voice recognition when there is no match

    Hello, I tried to make the voice recognition to close when there is no match by intent.https://developer.android.com/reference/android/speech/RecognizerIntent.html#RESULT_NO_MATCH Dim i As Intent VR.Initialize("vr") i.Initialize("android.speech.action.RECOGNIZE_SPEECH", "")...
  12. A

    Android Question VoiceRecognition Offline

    Hello, I tried to use Voice Recognition offline with intent. https://developer.android.com/reference/android/speech/RecognizerIntent#EXTRA_PREFER_OFFLINE Dim VR As VoiceRecognition Dim i As Intent VR.Initialize("vr") i.Initialize("android.speech.action.RECOGNIZE_SPEECH", "")...
  13. A

    Android Question Voice Recognition Issue

    I am working on a project in B4A, that requires voice recognition. After searching the forum I have realized that included Phone.VoiceRecognition library is not suitable for my needs. My needs are as follows: - No dialog or popup - Works offline - Ability to give it a list of words (or grammar)...
  14. Dave O

    Android Question XSpeechRecognizer - suppress automatic EndOfSpeech?

    I'm using the XSpeechRecognizer library (updated by @Multiverse app) to convert spoken reminders to text. It's working pretty well, but I do have a few questions: - It stops the recording and fires the EndOfSpeech event after detecting silence after 1-2 seconds. Is this duration configurable...
  15. Derek Johnson

    Android Question [Solved] Intent to show Google App Voice Settings and Download Languages

    I'm working with Voice Recognition and I would like to show the Voice Settings to the user. I know this can be done but I can't figure out the exact intent required. This is the screen that I want to show: Could someone tell me what the Intent would be to show this screen and also the...