Android Question Add layout or views n times to panel


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I want to add attached layout to panel n times, then load this panel into 'customlistview'
labels text is loaded from B4Xdatatable, n is equal to the number of columns in datarow, and I want to display one datarow in panel. then repeats for the rest of datarows
the main problem is how to add layout or views n times to panel?

for example if data row have columns, Name, Age, PhoneNumber with data , Any Name, 33, 1234567 I want to display them in the same panel, like

Any Name





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Jeffrey Cameron

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The same way you add one panel, with LoadLayout.
  1. Create the panel you'll place in the listview
  2. Load the layout to the new panel
  3. Fill layout with your data
  4. Save any control references to another list or array if you want to
  5. Add panel to listview
  6. Go back to step 1 N Times.
Or am I misunderstanding your question?
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adding the panel to listview is not the problem, the problem is, adding labels to the panel n times like
For Each colName As String In Rs.Columns.Keys
Dim ColVal As Object = Row(colIndex)
dim title as label
dim description as label

  panel.add (title)
  panel.add (description)
  title.text = colName 
  description.text =ColVal 
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You could adapt this example to your needs, changing "Activity.LoadLayout" with "Panel.LoadLayout"

I'm not sure if you want to load in every CustomListView panel a panel with a lot of labels... or if you want just your layout (the 3 labels) in every CustomListView panel.
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Jeffrey Cameron

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It seems that you answered your own question, so I'm still confused.... Are you asking how to use a layout instead of manually instantiating the labels?

Instead of diming a label, just use panel.loadlayout(mylayout). Your global variables now reference the ones you just loaded. After the load, just use "lblRowTitle.Text = colName".

I would also recommend setting the btnSelection.Tag property to your colIndex/Name so you can tell which panel was clicked in your event handler.
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this code works ok to add labels to panel multiple times, but I suffered to calculate the position of each view (labels, buttons) also it is not easy to add more views to panel this way, the result is not that good as expected. I wish I can find easier way to add the layout n times to the same panel.

in image 3, user long click the row to start row details activity, he/she can select -show one field of data table in one separate row of custom list view(image2), or view all fields in one row of custom list view(image1)

Private Sub ListByRecord()

    Dim DataRow As Map = BrowsedTable.GetRow(RowIndex)
    Dim drs As Int = DataRow.Size
    Dim ts As Int = BrowsedTable.Size
    Activity.Title = "Row Details: " & (RowIndex) & " of " & ts
    Dim TlabelHeight As Int = 35 'title label height
    Dim DlabelHeight As Int = 40 'description label height
    Dim LabelsSpaceOffset As Int = 4 'space
    Dim TlabelFirstTop As Int = 2 'title label first top position
    Dim DLabelFirstTop As Int = TlabelFirstTop + TlabelHeight + 1  'description label first top position
    Dim ButtonHeight As Int = 48
    Dim ButtonWidth As Int = 48
    'Dim ButtonSpaceOffset As Int = 20
    Dim ButtonFirstTop As Int = 14
    Dim p As Panel
    Activity.AddView(p, 0, 0, 100%x, drs * (TlabelHeight + DlabelHeight + 2)) 'height for total number of labels heights
    p.Color = Colors.White
    For Col = 0 To drs -1
        Dim plblRowTitle As Label = CreateLable("lblRowTitle",Colors.White,0xFF7A7A7A,14)
        Dim plblDescription As Label  = CreateLable("lblDescription", Colors.White,0xFF000000,15)
        Dim bButton As Button = CreateButton
        Dim myCol As B4XTableColumn = BrowsedTable.Columns.Get(Col)
        Dim colname As String = myCol.Title
        Dim Value As Object = DataRow.GetValueAt(Col)
        If Value =  Null Then Value = ""
        plblRowTitle.Text = colname
        plblDescription.Text = Value
        Dim tTop As Int
        Dim dTop As Int
        Dim bTop As Int
        If Col = 0 Then
            tTop  = TlabelFirstTop
            dTop = DLabelFirstTop
            bTop = ButtonFirstTop
            tTop = Col * (TlabelHeight + DlabelHeight)  + LabelsSpaceOffset + TlabelFirstTop
            dTop = Col * (TlabelHeight + DlabelHeight)  + LabelsSpaceOffset + DLabelFirstTop
            bTop = tTop + (TlabelHeight / 2)'Col * (ButtonHeight) + ButtonSpaceOffset + ButtonFirstTop
        End If
        p.AddView(bButton,50%y + 10,bTop,ButtonWidth,ButtonHeight)
        Log (bTop)
End Sub

Sub CreateLable(Event As String ,lColor As Int, TextColor As Int,TextSize As Int ) As Label
    Dim NewLabel As Label
    NewLabel.Text = ""
    NewLabel.SingleLine = True
    NewLabel.Color = lColor
    NewLabel.TextColor = TextColor
    NewLabel.TextSize = TextSize
    NewLabel.Ellipsize = ("END")
    NewLabel.Gravity = Bit.Or(Gravity.LEFT, Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL)
    Return NewLabel
End Sub


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I wish I can find easier way to add the layout n times to the same panel.
Since essentially you are iterating over a B4Xtable records and displaying them on an xClv, why don’t you use the list that the B4XTable was created from instead of iterating over the table rows. The data in the list can then be used to populate the xClv. The ‘item’ layout of the xClv would have the header for each column and it will have the actual data as labels from the list which is essentially the data on the B4XTable. See screenshots for B4XTable data and corresponding xClv output for a table with 3 columns as an example.


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Thanks everyone for help, I did it as follows
I've created a parent panel to hold the layout n times, the layout is first added to a child panel (temp panel) one time, then we add the child to the parent.
this code reads data of one data row, it should be called m times ( m = number of rows to be listed)
I don't have to design layout for each data table, just the same code and one layout for any datatable.

Dim DataRow As Map = BrowsedTable.GetRow(RowIndex)
Dim drs As Int = DataRow.Size
Dim HeightNeeded As Int = (drs * PANEL_HEIGHT) 'panel height, is the height of single layout
Dim pParent As Panel 'this panel will host layout n times
pParent.Color = Colors.White
Activity.AddView(pParent, 0, 0, 100%x, HeightNeeded) 'height for total number of panels height

'loop data row to get col names and values
    For Col = 0 To drs -1
        Dim myCol As B4XTableColumn = BrowsedTable.Columns.Get(Col)
        Dim colname As String = myCol.Title
        Dim Value As Object = DataRow.GetValueAt(Col)
        If Value =  Null Then Value = ""
        Dim rd As CLVrowData
        rd.Description = Value
        rd.RowTitle = colname
        Dim pChild As Panel 'the child panel or temp panel will hold the layout one time
        Dim oBm As Object = GetIconByFieldName(colname)
        If oBm <> Null And Value <> "" Then
            rd.Icon = oBm
            pChild = (CreateListItem(rd,False, lstRowBrowser.AsView.Width, PANEL_HEIGHT))
            'no need to set rd.icon as long as it will be hidden
            pChild = (CreateListItem(rd,True, lstRowBrowser.AsView.Width, PANEL_HEIGHT))
        End If
        pParent.AddView(pChild,0, Col * PANEL_HEIGHT ,100%x,PANEL_HEIGHT) ' add the child or temp panel to parent
    'now add the parent to CLV
    lstRowBrowser.Add(pParent,RowIndex) 'store row index, will be needed in list view click event


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I'm not sure if you want to load in every CustomListView panel a panel with a lot of labels... or if you want just your layout (the 3 labels) in every CustomListView panel.
That's why I asked this, I was not sure if you really wanted in every single row of the xCLV a lot of panels, or you were trying to "emulate" the behaviour of a xCLV
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Andrew (Digitwell)

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Take a look at this thread and example

The sample app at the end shows how to add multiple items at runtime to a CLV.
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