Adding an App to Account Manager


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I have been trying to find a thread for this. But is there a Library that allows me to take an authenticated app and after successful authentication, the app's login credentials are stored in the Account Manager in the Settings Menu of the phone?


Ted K

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noob here ;)
Has Accounts Manager (Android) been implemented since this last message?
THANKS! Trying out B4A right now AND LOVING IT THUS FAR!
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Ted K

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Longtime User
When I was working in Android Studio, Xamarin, etc I was able to Auth a user and then save their info (persist login) by storing the required info in the android account manager.

I saw other threads here that you can merely use files on I think it was Files.DirInternal or something like that (sorry on my phone replying) to write/retrieve this kind of data which is isolated from other apps and interactions, but is that really secure?

Thanks! After one day with B4A, I'll never use another android IDE. B4A is awesome!!!
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B4X founder
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File.DirInternal is only accessible by your own app (on unrooted devices). So it is secure. If the device is rooted then the account manager is also not secured.

Note that you can easily encrypt the data (check KeyValueStore class). Though you will need to store the password somewhere so it is also not 100% secure.
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