Android Question Activity recognition stops working when closing the app


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Hi there!

I tried to build a sample app that notifies (using nb6) when the current user physical activity changes (using physical-activity-recognition-detection library).

It worked, but after closing the app with the user's 'task manager' (where you 'swipe' apps to stop them), I stopped getting notifications about the current user physical activity...

Does anybody know why does it happen? Is there a way to improve it to work even when the app is closed?

Thanks in advance


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When a app is killed then all services of this app are killed also as the services are part of the process. The process is killed.
The answer is NO.

after pressung □ and swipe out my app a extra foreground service will stay. i can get his data from process global after i start the app again. at least with my android 8.x device.
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On my code Activity_Pause is empty, so the ActivityRecognition will not stop when exiting the app..
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but it can happen that android remove the Activitys, its like ms windows would close your app windows.

this object +Initialize +Events should move from the activity to your extra foreground service.
 Public ar As ActivityRecognition
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As you said, I moved:
Public ar As ActivityRecognition
to the RecognitionService service, and it worked! Thank you very much!

I now understand that when Main activity is closed, 'ar' object does not exist anymore, that's why you told me to move it
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