
  1. D

    Android Question Convert library to make it work on B4A

    I have found this library: and I would like to use it in B4A. How can I convert it in a format that B4A accepts?
  2. carlos7000

    Android Question Exploring Ed25519 Signing in B4A: My Experience and Challenges

    Hello everyone. I need to sign communications with Ed25519 in B4A. Despite not finding much information in the forums, I came across a library in that implements functions for key generation and signing. I attempted to make it work using the...
  3. byz

    Browse 380 authors and over 2500 B4X libraries online!

    Guys, this is really shocking. I counted the library authors and the number of libraries from B4XGOODS projects. There are 380 library authors who have contributed more than 2,500 libraries to B4X. We thank @aeric @Star-Dust @Erel @mcqueccu for their feedback and comments in...
  4. K

    Android Question xml2Map Parsing Error ?

    Hi friends. I am using the xml2map library. I get an error when I receive more than one key data with the same name. This xml data contains offline messages from Openfire Group Chat. incoming xml data: <message type='groupchat' id='aacda'...
  5. eugenedakin

    B4J Question Raspberry Pi libgpiod library

    Hello, I am evaluating the B4J tool for Windows, Raspberry Pi, and Android systems, and am quite impressed. My question with Raspberry Pi electronics, is the libgpiod supported? After searching the forum, I was not able to find information on the native libgpiod library. The WiringPi library...
  6. fat32

    B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] XQ MiniListButton

    A small button, that changes/cycles values from a list. Very useful, to allow user to select specific values from a list. Features: Change background and text color Customizable text label width/size Customizable icon label width/size Can adjust icon spacing/padding Change Event Reversible...
  7. fat32

    B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] XQ TitleBar

    A simple view, that is used as a Title/Action Bar, with icons and adjustable title. Features: Up to 5 icons on the right side Left/Burger icon (visible or not) Change background and text color Each element (burger, title, icons) has each own click event Title label adjusts its width, depending...
  8. Pedro Caldeira

    Android Question ExpandedListView deprecated

    Hello All, I am still using the old ExpandedListView Class module. Is there any library that does the same thing ? I need the expand and collapse of main panels, that show inside child views. Thanks in advance
  9. Chianca

    B4J Question Best way to create wrappers for B4J

    Hello Friends! I'm starting a new project on B4J, that will run on Windows and Linux desktops. The app needs to use a 3rd party external library (.DLL and .SO). What is the best way for writing this app? Create a wrapper of DLL and .SO and use it depending on target OS? There is any tutorial...
  10. Peter Simpson

    B4A Library Android powered Honeywell N660x 1D/2D barcode laser scanner module

    Hello All, Here is a library that I wrapped for Android 1D/2D laser barcode scanners that uses the Honeywell N660x hardware scanning module. Obviously you don't need a library to use a Android 1D/2D hardware laser barcode scanner. To receive barcode data, you can use an Intent via a Receiver...
  11. mohsen programmer

    Android Question Android/data folder permission

    Accessing and copying files to the Android data folder is limited in Androids above 10, especially 13 and 14, but file managers such as Z Archiver can access the Android/data folder by obtaining a permission. I also want to copy a folder in B4A that contains several other folders and all files...
  12. Spright

    Bounty: Update LibGDX Add-on for B4A

    Bounty: Update LibGDX Add-on for B4A to make it compatible with up to Android API 33 and higher Description: Update the LibGDX add-on for B4A to fix compatibility issues with newer Android versions (confirmed working until API-28). Solve intermittent crashes during pause using the recent...
  13. carlos7000

    Android Question Is it possible to include a library inside another?

    If I create a library that depends on others, is it possible to include other libraries on which my library depends?
  14. yo3ggx

    B4J Question MacSigner with native libraries

    I have an application that use two native libraries: jssc.dylib and libopus.dylib. The application is running as expected when linked with MacSigner and the native files for the x86-64 architecture are copied in the temp/build/lib folder. When I package the application with MacSigner and I'm...
  15. carlos7000

    Wish Improved Project Structure for Enhanced Portability

    I would like to suggest the creation of two folders within the project structure: one called "Libraries" and another called "Additional Files". In the "Libraries" folder, B4A should automatically copy each library used in the project, while the "Additional Files" folder should contain all the...
  16. yo3ggx

    B4J Question Native library

    Hello. I've build a B4J library using Eclipse. Some native libraries are used inside the library jar file. In a test application (directly in Eclipse), everything is working as expected. I added the library jar file in the External libraries folder in B4J (including the library containing the...
  17. T201016

    B4J Tutorial [MakeB4XLib] An application for creating a .b4xlib type library.

    Hello, Seminar on the MakeB4XLib application version 1.7, which is a tool for creating libraries of the "B4X Library (.b4xlib)" type. In this seminar I will use an example directory structure, namely: B4A platform structure: Explanation: Libraries - is the configuration path for additional...
  18. N

    Java Question Accelerated Surface library

    Can tou please upload Acceleratedsurface library? I try to extract the jar using Simple Library Compiler but I have problem with the jar.
  19. L

    Android Question how can i implement a library correctly

    hi, it was sent to me by a company that produces "UsbToIrda Device", its own library to be able to use this device. the problem is that i have no idea how to implement it given the files i have and the latter are -AndroidManifest.xml -evausblib-release.aar -usb_device_filter.xml...
  20. Brian Michael

    B4A Library [B4A] [XUI] BMPopUp v1.2

    [UPDATED V1.2] Hello everyone, it is a pleasure for me to show you my first library for B4A. BMPopUp is a library that will allow you to create PopUp messages in your applications. You can change the look as you like. Thanks in advance for visiting I hope you like it. Normal PopUp...