Annoying or delightful sound?


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Years ago (just a few ones), this 4:48 minutes seems to last forever... Now I can even listen it in background, without being afraid of the terrible: "R tape loading error"



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Isn’t that a dialup modem sound?


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Isn’t that a dialup modem sound?
yes, the storage system from that computer was audio cassete, 1200 baudios


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Yesterday I recovered my old Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48k from my parent's.
It's a pity I haven't any tape with some game recorded to try it.


Peter Simpson

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That's excellent José,
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaan, does seeing that bring back old memories of learning how to program using those terrible rubber keys and playing Manic Miner, Jet Set Willy etc etc etc. I remember buying dedicated computer magazines and typing in pages and pages of code for it not to work either because of my own typing errors or in too many cases the code itself was incorrect, in the latter case the following week the computer magazine would print a revised version of the code with the fixes for readers to type in again.

José, do you remember constantly adjusting the tape cassette volume until the game would finally load. I used to hate it when the cassette get to the end of loading (that took a long time) and then absolutely nothing would happen. You would have to rewind the cassette tape, adjust the cassette player volume and try again by typing in LOAD "" > ENTER.

Those were the days lol :)

I follow 8-Bit Guy on YouTube. In one of his videos, he put ZX games onto his phone (WAV or MP3 files), then he used a player app to play the game sound, he plugged the headphone jack into his ZX computer. He was having huge problems loading games, but I just kept thinking to myself "just adjust the volume and try again". He never owned a ZX computer back in the day so he didn't really know until he read the comments after posting the video. He even brought a separate audio player which worked better but still no joy. If he owned a speccy back in the day he would have known to try adjusting the volume until the program loaded lol ?

I follow this guy

To Clive Marles Sinclair, RIP and cheers for the great memories of my youth...

Update: I'm happy to say that I was wrong. Clive is still alive and is currently 80 years old ?
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typing in pages and pages of code for it not to work either because of my own typing errors or in too many cases the code itself was incorrect, in the latter case the following week the computer magazine would print a revised version of the code with the fixes for readers to type in again.
Buf... I remember it... and sometimes you didn't save it to a cassette, so next week... start from the top again¡¡

José, do you remember constantly adjusting the tape cassette volume until the game would finally load.
Of course I remember¡¡ Even you learn each game which volume level should have (more or less) :) to avoid the "R tape loading error".
The worst part, is I even had 90 minutes cassetes with lots of games, so you have to rewind, listen, rewind, listen... until you find the right one.
I remember a friend who lent me a tape with a lot of games, and before every game, you could hear his voice: "Next game: JET SET WILLY".

We discovered (or read) that, when some games get anti-copy protection, you could record them at double speed, and in some cases, the recorded game worked¡¡¡
he plugged the headphone jack into his ZX computer
I will try, I still need the video signal cable to the TV¡¡

To Clive Marles Sinclair, RIP and cheers for the great memories of my youth...
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José, do you remember constantly adjusting the tape cassette volume until the game would finally load. I used to hate it when the cassette get to the end of loading (that took a long time) and then absolutely nothing would happen. You would have to rewind the cassette tape, adjust the cassette player volume and try again by typing in LOAD "" > ENTER.

OMG !!
and I thought I'm the oldest guy around here...
I started in the early 80's with a Commodore VIC 20 , (connected to TV as monitor.)

3,500 bytes (yes! 3.5kb!!!!) to program with.

Load "snake"

Found "snake"
(waiting endlessly for the tape to load)


hmm..on a second thought,
maybe I am the oldest guy around because....
I remember the first sinclair computer, the one that came before the spectrum.
it was called : zx81
released in 1981

check this out (especially check the specs)
1kb internal memory

when the spectrum was released..that was a big WOW (48kb!!)
in the same time , more or less, commodore released it's commodore 64.
looked like it's oldest brother (vic20) but comes with a .....64Kb!!!

Those were the days indeed...


  • Commodore-VIC-20-FL.jpg
    8.5 KB · Views: 150
  • Einschaltmeldung_VC20.gif
    1.7 KB · Views: 145
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I was an owner of the predecessor of the Vic.
The Commodore 3032, just after the PET.


Also with a cassette recorder as the external memory, but, by chance, i had never had the need to adjust the volume.


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Wrong; you may be so old to be demented and not remember it for that reason, not because you are not old :(?

You're right.

If Remember (zx81) And !Dementic Then
    Not Old
End if


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of course!
Syntax is important.

I tried this , which also works :
If Remember (zx81) And Not(Dementic) And (alive) Then
    Not Old

End if

I may create a spcial B4X Lib for that by request


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Longtime User
Well, I can recall model ZX80 too..but definitely I'm not old..I'm an ex-teenager :)