Another option for Forum search (B4X search)


Licensed User
Longtime User
Goodmorning everyone,

I struggled several times searching for some things in the b4x forum and indeed sometimes it is a royal size cross. I 've found a way that works and I am sharing it today:

Lets say we are searching for "B4RSerializator". All we have to do is go to Google and write: " B4RSerializator". It will be in the first page responses definitely what you want.

Have a nice day everyone


Licensed User
Longtime User
Did you perhaps pick an unfortunate example? Searching for B4RSerializator gives me the correct (as best as I can tell) post as the first result:

That said, you are correct that using an external search engine is needed sometimes, such as when one wants to search (for instance) Chit Chat. That forum (and some others) aren't searchable using the internal search engine.


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Longtime User
It also has the advantage of being able to exclude words/phrases from the search.
Yeah, I saw the minus sign and thought you perhaps wasn't so impressed by Google, considering you're always excluding what you're looking for. ?


1. B4x internal search gives advantage of finding relevant threads with ready to use answers and solutions sorted by date.
2. Google additional search might bring additional information, which is better to check internally again. And Google searches for your account with the whole history, so it may propose too many links.
In any case search is painstaking work.

Thank you for sharing the experience.


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Longtime User
All we have to do is go to Google and write: " B4RSerializator".
Good that you found it.

It has been mentioned in the Forum by few members already, not to minimize your effort.
I too use it when the Forum search throws something which I am not looking for.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Did you perhaps pick an unfortunate example? Searching for B4RSerializator gives me the correct (as best as I can tell) post as the first result:
View attachment 122617

That said, you are correct that using an external search engine is needed sometimes, such as when one wants to search (for instance) Chit Chat. That forum (and some others) aren't searchable using the internal search engine.

It was just an example, maybe unfortunate because this term is very specific.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Good that you found it.

It has been mentioned in the Forum by few members already, not to minimize your effort.
I too use it when the Forum search throws something which I am not looking for.

Ha ha ha. It seems I reinvented the wheel... ;)

Martin Larsen

Active Member
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Lets say we are searching for "B4RSerializator". All we have to do is go to Google and write: " B4RSerializator". It will be in the first page responses definitely what you want.

This is my preferred way of searching almost anywhere. Not just here.

In fact, I have implemented a custom search engine for this exact purpose. I just enter gs <search term> in the omnibar, and Google will search for the given term on the current url. gs is for "Google Site Search".

Go to chrome://settings/searchEngines and click Add.

Now enter
From now on, wherever you are, just enter gs <term> to search for that term.

I have used it for years. And I have a bunch of similar search engines.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
This is my preferred way of searching almost anywhere. Not just here.

In fact, I have implemented a custom search engine for this exact purpose. I just enter gs <search term> in the omnibar, and Google will search for the given term on the current url. gs is for "Google Site Search".

Go to chrome://settings/searchEngines and click Add.

Now enter
From now on, wherever you are, just enter gs <term> to seach for that term.

I have used it for years. And I have a bunch of similar search engines.


Martin Larsen

Active Member
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Longtime User
As far as I remember it should work in FF as well but the naming may be different. I will try later and report back.


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Maybe you haven't found this - though I doubt it . . .
Looks like this works only in chrome. I use FF
in the address bar type

and look for Default Search Engine : i wondered if that link from #17 could be added to "add search bar in toolbar" ?