Thank you Erel and Tufanv for your replies.
Although we have been developing on iOS for 2 years+, I am not ashamed to admit that we still find the whole process with regards to setting up App ID’s, Certificates, Provisioning Profiles and all the other procedures required a little confusing, possibly because it’s something that is not done frequently.
Can I just clarify, our app needs to use features that require an Explicit App ID, in this case “Access WiFi Information”.
We need to test the App on our local iOS devices in the office using the Hosted Mac Builder, which in turn requires running the B4i Bridge on each device.
Given that we need to use an Explicit App ID to do the above and test the functionality and code relating to certain features that use the Access WiFI Information, is it possible to use the Hosted Mac Builder?
To understand our needs further I will explain in more detail below.
- Our App communicates with an Electrical Test Meter via WiFI.
- The Test Meter has a built in WiFi controller and acts as a WiFi Assess Point.
- Each Test Meter broadcasts a unique SSID, no different to your router.
- The User selects the SSID from their available WiFI devices on their device and enters the password, at this point their iPhone or iPad is now connected to the Test Meter via WiFi.
- They then need to enter the SSID (printed on the back of the Test Meter) into the App.
The above on iOS 12 requires that we use the Access WiFi Information Service, as the App has code to determine which Test Meter the users device is connected to.
If you are interested, a YouTube video shows setting up the device and tester using the Android version, but it’s the same for iOS
And if you are really have too much time on your hands, you can see it in action here