Android Tutorial B4A bridge & B4A designer: Create a WIFI Spot with your computer.


I was facing a problem to use B4A bridge because I'm connected to a LAN without WIFI.
I found a solution to make my computer a WIFI spot and then use B4A bridge & B4A designer Wireless.
There are lot of little softs doing that but most of them are not free ....

Well the 100% free solution is:

- Create a txt file
- copy the following Inside:

@echo off
cd windows
cd system32
netsh wlan set hostednetwork ssid="myWifiName"
netsh wlan set hostednetwork key="myWifiPassword"
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
@echo on

Change "myWifiName" by your own name choice
Change "myWifiPassword" by your own password choice

- rename your file on WifiStart.bat (or whatever name you want)

Each time you need your Wifi spot online, launch this .bat and then it will be online !!!

To stop your Wifi:

As previously:

- create a txt file
- copy the following Inside:

@echo off
cd windows
cd system32
netsh wlan stop hostednetwork
@echo on

- rename your file on WifiStop.bat (or whatever name you want)

Each time you need your Wifi spot offline, launch this .bat and then it will be Offline !!!

Hope this trick can help you !!
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