only 1 post that i can find re: java path
what should my java path be? i occasionally receive updates from oracle. i download and install them.
today's update had a message:
java 8 update 31
java 8 update 73
were out-of-date. oracle wanted to uninstall them.
in general i would say ok, but then i thought, what does b4a expect as my java path? so i
looked: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_09\bin\javac.exe.
that sounds really old (as if i would know).
today's update was 8.111. so i happened to look for bin\javac.exe in that directory.
no javac.exe there. i looked for bin\javac.exe in the 8.31 and 8.73 directories. not there either.
of course, 1.7.0_09 is there, happy as a clam, and my b4a stuff seemes to build fine.
do i need to see about finding a newer javac.exe?
i have no idea what oracle does when it updates java. i assume it knows what it's looking
for. thanks for any words of wisdom
what should my java path be? i occasionally receive updates from oracle. i download and install them.
today's update had a message:
java 8 update 31
java 8 update 73
were out-of-date. oracle wanted to uninstall them.
in general i would say ok, but then i thought, what does b4a expect as my java path? so i
looked: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_09\bin\javac.exe.
that sounds really old (as if i would know).
today's update was 8.111. so i happened to look for bin\javac.exe in that directory.
no javac.exe there. i looked for bin\javac.exe in the 8.31 and 8.73 directories. not there either.
of course, 1.7.0_09 is there, happy as a clam, and my b4a stuff seemes to build fine.
do i need to see about finding a newer javac.exe?
i have no idea what oracle does when it updates java. i assume it knows what it's looking
for. thanks for any words of wisdom